2014-12-24 - Tyler Bennett
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of the ArchAssault project, we would like to thank all of our mirrors for further promoting our project and helping it reach users around the world. We would especially like to thank the ArchLinuxARM project for working with us to provide a platform for ArchAssualt on armv6h and armv7h. To all of our donors we really appreciate you helping fund the project as we couldn't do it without your support. We would like to thank SouthEast LinuxFest for providing us with space to present ArchAssault to public at SELF 2014. We would like to thank q5sys and the Linux Action Show for having us on to help promote ArchAssault.
Highlights of the past year:
SELF 2014| Loopcast interview| Partners with top-hat-sec| meetup @HackMiami| securabit interview
We would like to personally thank all of our donors by name: @q5sys| @Cthulu201| @n1tr0g3n| @mrgreen_linux
For those who wanted to remain anonymous a big thank you to you as well!