Summary: This project was to create Investment Caculator. It will take into account the initial deposit, annual interest, number of years, and if you will be making monthly deposits. It will display a report of the balance and interests without additional monthly deposits and a report of the balance and interest with additional monthly deposits.
I did particularly well overall. I was able to create the investment calculator with the correct functionalities. I also output the intwnded reports of both without the additional monthly deposits and with the monthly deposits.
The input validation could be better. It does not take into consideration if the user enters a string or a character instead of an integer which is what we intend.
The hardest to code was the getEndingBalanceMethod() because I need to make sure that the math and function is correct. The Project2 info video provided by the professor was very helpful and got me through the project.
Skills such as object-oriented concepts, input validation, knowing how to use the math operators (division, multiplication, addition, subtraction, etc.), data variables such as being able to differentiated between using an integer vs double and other types are transsferrable to other projects and coursework.
Following industry standards and utilizing methods and classes make this program maintainable, readable, and adaptable.