A simple CLI utility for generating Liquibase UTC timestamps and change file templates. Written in pure Java using shebang script functionality.
- Java 21 or higher
- Unix-like environment (Linux, macOS, WSL)
- Download the script:
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yourusername/liquibase-template-generator/main/liquibase-helper
- Make it executable:
chmod +x ./liquibase-helper
- Optional: Make it available system-wide:
sudo mv ./liquibase-helper /usr/local/bin/
Run the script:
Available commands:
: Generate UTC timestamps for filename and changeset IDgenerate
: Create a complete Liquibase change file templatehelp
: Show available commandsexit
: Exit the program
$ ./liquibase-helper
Liquibase Timestamp Helper - Type 'help' for commands or 'exit' to quit
Command> timestamp
Filename timestamp: 20241115T175648
Changeset ID timestamp: 20241115175648
Command> generate
Enter change description: create user table
Enter author name: anik.dev
Generated filename: 20241115T175708_create_user_table.xml
Generated changeset ID: 20241115175708
XML Content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<changeSet id="20241115175708" author="anik.dev">
<!-- Your changes here -->
- Generates UTC timestamps in two formats:
- Filename format:
- Changeset ID format:
- Filename format:
- Creates complete Liquibase XML templates
- Interactive CLI interface
- No external dependencies
- Direct execution through shebang
This script uses Java's shebang functionality (available since Java 11) to run directly from the shell. The shebang line:
#!/usr/bin/java --source 21
tells the shell to execute the file using Java in source mode.
The implementation uses Java's modern features including:
- Records for template data structures
- Text blocks for multiline strings
- Pattern matching for switch expressions
- Modern date-time API with UTC handling
Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests. Any contributions are welcome!
MIT License - see LICENSE.md
@Anik-Infinity : [email protected]