DataVeil is a library for masking sensitive data in various formats such as card numbers, email addresses, passwords, phone numbers, and more.
npm install DataVeil
import { DataVeil } from './DataVeil';
// Mask card number with custom options
console.log(DataVeil.maskCardNumber('1234567812345678', { maskChar: '#', unmaskedStartDigits: 2, unmaskedEndDigits: 4 })); // 12##########1234
// Mask email address with custom options
console.log(DataVeil.maskEmail('[email protected]', { maskChar: '#', emailMaskVisibleChars: 3 })); //
// Mask password with custom mask character
console.log(DataVeil.maskPassword('supersecret', { maskChar: '#' })); // ###########
// Mask phone number with custom options
console.log(DataVeil.maskPhoneNumber('123-456-7890', { maskChar: '#', unmaskedStartDigits: 2, unmaskedEndDigits: 1 })); // 12#-###-###0
// Mask substring with custom options
console.log(DataVeil.maskSubstring('hello world', 'world', { maskChar: '#', maskOnlyFirstOccurrence: true })); // hello #####
// Mask UUID with custom options
console.log(DataVeil.maskUUID('123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000', { maskChar: '#', unmaskedStartDigits: 4, unmaskedEndDigits: 2 })); // 123e####-####-####-####-########00
// Mask JWT token with custom mask character
console.log(DataVeil.maskJWT('header.payload.signature', { maskChar: '#' })); // ######.######.########
// Mask JSON fields with custom options
const json = { card: '1234567812345678', email: '[email protected]' };
console.log(DataVeil.maskJSON(json, ['card', 'email'], { maskChar: '#', emailMaskVisibleChars: 3 })); // { card: '12##########1234', email: '' }
To run tests, use the following command:
npm test
Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvements and new features.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.