Follow along with the presentation slides
The User Experience of Virtual Reality
TORCH AR: Designing in the Wild West
Easy Way to Make 360 VR Designs
How to Make Digital Art 360 Panorama with Photoshop CC 2018 -- YouTube
How to use VR Projection in Premiere Pro CC
A Storyboard for Virtual Reality
Simple Low-Fidelity VR Prototyping: Practical How-To Advice
Unite Austin 2017 - Google Blocks: 3D Assets for the Rest of Us
Other creation tools I mentioned in the presentation (and some I didn't) Medium
For Audio: Lyra VR
Google Doc with EditorXR Documentation
Installation for EditorXR is confusing. Currently, use 2018.3 rather than 2019, make sure Text Mesh Pro and Text Mesh Pro Essentials are installed.
Get the EditorXR Package link, prior version of the SteamVR plugin (if using Vive) and the Oculus Utilities for Unity (if using Oculus) from the document above and install the plugins.
Once you've installed the packages, re-import OpenVR via the Package Manager.
To view your scene in VR, do not use the VR Camera Rig included with either the SteamVR Plugin or with Oculus. Instead just use a totally normal Unity camera in your scene.