version: v1.0.2(Apr 12, 2017)
This library is PSX(Play Station 1/2) pads connect with SPI bus for Arduino IDE(Arduino/AVR).
Other than Attention(SS) almost wire is common, then micro-controler can connect to many pads.
All PSX pad can be gotten digital keys state.(PSXPAD_KEYSTATE_DIGITAL)
PS1(with analog) pad can be gotten analog stick value.(PSXPAD_KEYSTATE_ANALOG1)
PS2 pad can be gotten analog key value.(PSXPAD_KEYSTATE_ANALOG2)
PSX(PS1/2) controller pins (not PSX's socket, pad side)
123 456 789
[for Arduino]
1 : DAT -> Arduino 12 MISO [need pullup by 1k owm registor to 5V]
2 : CMD -> Arduino 11 MOSI
3 : 9V (for motor, If you not necessary NC)
4 : GND
5 : 3.3V
6 : Attention -> Arduino 2 DigitalPin
7 : SCK -> Arduino 13 SCK
8 : NC (Non Connect)
9 : ACK -> (Not use)
[for ATmega88P/168P/328P 3.3V powered]
1 : DAT -> 18 MISO [need pullup 1k owm registor to 3.3V]
2 : CMD -> 17 MOSI
3 : 9V (for motor, If you not necessary NC)
4 : GND
5 : 3.3V
6 : SEL -> 2 DigitalPin
7 : SCK -> 19 SCK
8 : NC (Non Connect)
9 : ACK -> (Not use)
- Interfacing a PS2 (PlayStation 2) Controller - CuriousInventor Tutorials