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Output both UA and GA4 data

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@levinmr levinmr released this 07 Mar 17:50
· 186 commits to develop since this release

The new repo structure places v1, or UA reporting under the ua directory and updates the application in src to report on v2, or new GA4 data using the BETA Google Data Client.

Other changes/updates in this release include:

Adds a .nvmrc file for easy node version management in local development.
Updates the node run time to v20.x which will be the long term support version of nodejs until Q1 2026.
Updates node package dependencies for new v2.0 version of the application
Updates AWS SDK dependency to version 3.x because version 2.x will be deprecated in the near future.
Updates to reflect impacts from migration
Updates cron.js to support monorepo set up for running both UA(legacy) and GA4(new) reporter applications
Updates ENV values in our .env files to support new GA4 properties
Updates ENV example to include required GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
Updates knex file to support reporter tests
Includes new migration to create analytics_data_ga4 table for GA4 data. UA will continue to use analytics_data table
Updates reports/, api.json, reports.json, and usa.json to use GA4 query schema and allowed values
Updates src/* to handle changes in Google Data Client API requirements
Removes unused files from legacy v1 app and moves the app into the ua directory
Updates testing suite to include both v1 and v2 app unit tests
Updates docker set up for local testing in docker database
Enables Circle CI test in build
Consolidates and improves application logging