This project serves as a starter kit for implementing a NextJS internationalization
git clone
cd next-poc-internationalization
yarn install
yarn dev
├── src
│ ├── locales
│ │ ├── config.ts (1)
│ │ ├── en.json (2)
│ │ └── ...
│ ├── i18n.ts (3)
│ ├── middleware.ts (4)
│ └── app
│ └── [locale]
│ ├── layout.tsx (5)
│ └── page.tsx (6)
└── next.config.mjs (7)
Shell commands. You can create files manually in your IDE
cd /path/to/project
yarn add next-intl
mkdir -p src/locales
mkdir -p src/app/\[locale\]
touch src/i18n.ts
touch src/middleware.ts
touch src/locales/config.ts
touch src/locales/en.json
# touch src/locales/lv.json
Check this project's source code for file contents
This project uses next-intl library.
Follow me on X (Twitter)
Latviski: X/Aigars Sukurs
English: X/130db
or support with a Tip if you found it useful for your project
For POCes I use my own NextJS project template. Some files my be redudant