Run following code in R console:
shiny::runGitHub("szwd_mapmaker_simple", "0zg", host ="", port =1234)
Current Version: 0.1.2
Uses leaflet for the map and has a data tab. Not much to say. You upload a CSV and get to see the lat-lon GPS plotted on a map. Just a few configurations are available, to avoid choice-stress ( )
First, download and install R:
Second, install required R packages:
# set package repository to R 4.2.2 snapshot
setRepositories(addURLs = c(MRAN_R422=""),ind=0)
# create package list
packages <- c( "htmlwidgets","DT","shiny","leaflet","dplyr" )
# create already installed package list, and install new packages
installed_packages <- packages %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (any(installed_packages == FALSE)) {
install.packages(packages[!installed_packages]) }
Finally, run following code in R console:
shiny::runGitHub( "szwd_mapmaker_simple", "0zg" )