X9 is an automated xss discovery tool.
- All you need is a list of urls and a wordlist.
- x9 will use nuclei and the custom template to look for xss sinks inside the DOM.
Install Nuclei: https://github.com/projectdiscovery/nuclei
python3 main.py -l [URL LIST] -w [PARAMETERS WORDLIST] -gs [append - combine - replace]
help attributes:
- -debug disable silent mode for Nuclei
- -l list of urls
- -w Specify the wordlist
- -wb [Get Wayback Data] (NOT WORKING YET)
- -m Specify number of chunks. Default: 150
- -gs Combining parameter format: combine - append - replace - all
- -t Specify number of Threads. Default: 10
- -tc Specify number of chunks for each temp file. Default: 10000