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298 lines (206 loc) · 8.19 KB

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298 lines (206 loc) · 8.19 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file, in reverse chronological order by release.

3.0.5 - TBD


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.

3.0.4 - 2019-02-07


  • #58 adds support for PHP 7.3.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.

3.0.3 - 2018-05-14


  • Nothing.


  • #57 adds awareness of the tweet_mode=extended parameter to each of the home, mentions, and user timeline API endpoint methods.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.

3.0.2 - 2017-11-21


  • #55 adds support for 280-character tweets.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • #53 fixes issues in the majority of POST endpoints. Due to a mis-read of the Twitter API documentation, we were sending JSON payloads, when only a small subset of such endpoints actually can accept JSON. In particular, statuses/update was affected. The patch in this releases fixes all such endpoints.

  • #52 fixes the search/tweets logic concerning geocode parameter validation, ensuring it no longer raises an exception for a valid geocode parameter.

  • #51 fixes submission of direct messages to the Twitter API. Payloads for DMs have been broken since the 3.0.0 release.

3.0.1 - 2017-08-17


  • #46 adds the method listsMembers(), for retrieving a list of Twitter users associated with a given list. The signature is:

    public function listMembers(
        int|string $listOrSlug,
        array $params = []
    ) : Response

    If $listOrSlug is a list identifier, no additional $params are required. If it is a string list slug, then one of the following $params MUST be present:

    • owner_id: a valid user identifier (integer)
    • owner_screen_name: a valid user screen name (string)
  • #45 adds the ability to pass arrays of user identifiers OR screen names to each of the usersLookup() and friendshipsLookup() methods, giving them parity with the Twitter API. In each case, if you pass an array of values, the MUST be all user identifiers OR user screen names; you cannot mix the types.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.


  • Nothing.

3.0.0 - 2017-08-15


  • #39 adds support for PHP 7.1 and PHP 7.2.

  • #34 adds support for uploading media, via the new classes ZendService\Twitter\Media, Image, and Video. In each case, instantiate the appropriate class with the path to the image on the filesystem and the appropriate media type, and then call upload() with a zend-http client. The response will contain a media_id property, which you can then provide via the media_ids attribute when posting a status.

    $image = new Image('data/logo.png', 'image/png');
    $response = $image->upload($client);
        'A post with an image',
        ['media_ids' => [$response->media_id]]
  • #42 adds support for attaching media to direct messages. To do so, first upload an image, marking the image for a direct message; you can also optionally mark it to share, in which case you can re-use the returned media identifier with multiple direct messages:

    $image = new Image(
        $forDirectMessage = true,
        $shared = false
    $upload = $image->upload($client);

    Once you have the media identifier, you can provide it via an extra parameter to the directMessagesNew() method, or the new directMessagesEventNew() method (which more closely corresponds to the API endpoint):

        ['media_id' => $upload->id_str]

    Direct messages only support one attachment at a time.

  • #37 and #43 add support for returning media entities when calling statusesShow(). The method now allows a second, optional argument, $options, which may contain the following keys to pass to the Twitter API:

    • tweet_mode; if present, it will be passed as the value extended.
    • include_entities
    • trim_user
    • include_my_retweet
  • #34 adds support for Twitter's rate limit headers. Returned responses allow you to query them via getRateLimit(), and the returned ZendService\Twitter\RateLimit instance allows you to check the limit, remaining requests, and time to reset.

    $response = $twitter->statusUpdate('A post');
    $rateLimit = $response->getRateLimit();
    if ($rateLimit->remaining === 0) {
        // Time to back off!
        sleep($rateLimit->reset); // seconds left until reset
  • #29 adds support for:

    • retrieving a list of follower identifiers (/followers/ids API)
    • retrieving the lists to which the user belongs (/lists/memberships API)
    • retrieving the friends of the user (/friendships/lookup API)
    • retrieving full user data on a list of users (/users/lookup API)
    • retrieving the identifiers for friends of the user (/friends/ids API)
  • #31 adds support for PHP 7.


  • #44 modifies the visibility of both get() and post() to make them public; additionally, each also now initializes the request, and returns a ZendService\Twitter\Response instance, allowing them to be used to access API endpoints not yet directly supported in the Twitter class. As examples:

    // Retrieve a list of friends for a user:
    $response = $twitter->get('friends/list', ['screen_name' => 'zfdevteam']);
    foreach ($response->users as $user) {
        printf("- %s (%s)\n", $user->name, $user->screen_name);
    // Add a tweet to a collection:
    $response = $twitter->post('collections/entries/add', [
        'id' => $collectionId,
        'tweet_id' => $statusId,
    if ($response->isError()) {
        echo "Error adding tweet to collection:\n";
        foreach ($response->response->errors as $error) {
            printf("- %s: %s\n", $error->change->tweet_id, $error->reason);
  • #41 modifies how the Twitter class sends POST requests to send JSON payloads instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded. All payloads except those for media uploads support this, and several newer endpoints (such as methods for allowing direct message media attachments) now require them.

  • #40 updates direct message support to set the character limit to 10k, as documented currently for the Twitter API.

  • #34 updates the Twitter class to return a ZendService\Twitter\Response instance instead of a zend-http response instance. This allows auto-parsing of the returned JSON response, as well as access to rate limit information.


  • Nothing.


  • #39 removes support for PHP versions less than 7.1.


  • Nothing.