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DivKit TypeScript JSON Buidler

DivKit Documentation

What is this and what for

@divkitframework/jsonbuilder library provides type safe tools to generate DivKit JSON


import { divCard, DivContainer, DivText, reference, rewritRefs, template, templateHelper } from '@divkitframework/jsonbuilder';

const templates = {
  sampleBlock: new DivContainer({
    items: [
      template('header', {
        text: reference('title')
      template('header', {
        text: reference('subtitle')
  header: new DivText({
    font_size: 24,

const tHelper = templateHelper(templates);

  divCard(rewriteRefs(templates), {
    log_id: 'sample_card',
    states: [
        state_id: 0,
        div: tHelper.sampleBlock({
          title: "Some Title",
          subtitle: "Some Subtitle",

In the result JSON.stringify(divCard(...)) will return JSON below:

  "templates": {
    "sampleBlock": {
      "type": "container",
      "items": [
          "type": "header",
          "$text": "title"
          "type": "header",
          "$text": "subtitle"
    "header": {
      "type": "text",
      "font_size": 24
  "card": {
    "log_id": "sample_card",
    "states": [
        "state_id": 0,
        "div": {
          "type": "sampleBlock",
          "title": "Some Title",
          "subtitle": "Some Subtitle",

Typesafe templates with compile-time validation

You can use templateHelper helper function to achieve compile time template parameters validation. Type safety works only when you enable strictNullChecks in tsconfig.json

const block = template('header', {
    title: 'Some Title'

// using templateHelper for checking template parameters at compile-time
const safeBlock = tHelper.header({
    title: 'Some Title'

Validity guarantees

While developing cards you need to make sure that:

  • Textual string are not empty;
  • Urls of images, actions, etc are valid;
  • Arrays are non-empty.

Documentation. Medium tutorial. Habr tutorial.

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