RAG Web UI 是一个基于 RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) 技术的智能对话系统,它能够帮助构建基于自有知识库的智能问答系统。通过结合文档检索和大语言模型,实现了准确、可靠的知识问答服务。
同时提供 OpenAPI 接口,方便用户通过 API 调用知识库。
📚 智能文档管理
- 支持多种文档格式 (PDF、DOCX、Markdown、Text)
- 文档自动分块和向量化
- 支持异步文档、增量处理
🤖 先进的对话引擎
- 基于 RAG 的精准检索和生成
- 支持上下文多轮对话
- 支持对话中引用角标查看原文
🎯 合理架构
- 前后端分离设计
- 分布式文件存储
- 高性能向量数据库
graph TB
%% Role Definitions
open_api["Open API"]
subgraph import_process["Document Ingestion Process"]
direction TB
%% File Storage and Document Processing Flow
docs["Document Input<br/>(PDF/MD/TXT/DOCX)"]
job_id["Return Job ID"]
subgraph async_process["Asynchronous Document Processing"]
direction TB
preprocess["Document Preprocessing<br/>(Text Extraction/Cleaning)"]
split["Text Splitting<br/>(Segmentation/Overlap)"]
subgraph embedding_process["Embedding Service"]
direction LR
embedding_api["Embedding API"] --> embedding_server["Embedding Server"]
store[(Vector Database)]
%% Internal Flow of Asynchronous Processing
preprocess --> split
split --> embedding_api
embedding_server --> store
subgraph job_query["Job Status Query"]
direction TB
job_status["Job Status<br/>(Processing/Completed/Failed)"]
%% Query Service Flow
subgraph query_process["Query Service"]
direction LR
user_history["User History"] --> query["User Query<br/>(Based on User History)"]
query --> query_embed["Query Embedding"]
query_embed --> retrieve["Vector Retrieval"]
retrieve --> rerank["Re-ranking<br/>(Cross-Encoder)"]
rerank --> context["Context Assembly"]
context --> llm["LLM Generation"]
llm --> response["Final Response"]
query -.-> rerank
%% Main Flow Connections
client --> |"1.Upload Document"| docs
docs --> |"2.Generate"| job_id
docs --> |"3a.Trigger"| async_process
job_id --> |"3b.Return"| client
docs --> nfs
nfs --> preprocess
%% Open API Retrieval Flow
open_api --> |"Retrieve Context"| retrieval_service["Retrieval Service"]
retrieval_service --> |"Access"| store
retrieval_service --> |"Return Context"| open_api
%% Status Query Flow
client --> |"4.Poll"| job_status
job_status --> |"5.Return Progress"| client
%% Database connects to Query Service
store --> retrieve
%% Style Definitions (Adjusted to match GitHub theme colors)
classDef process fill:#d1ecf1,stroke:#0077b6,stroke-width:1px
classDef database fill:#e2eafc,stroke:#003566,stroke-width:1px
classDef input fill:#caf0f8,stroke:#0077b6,stroke-width:1px
classDef output fill:#ffc8dd,stroke:#d00000,stroke-width:1px
classDef rerank fill:#cdb4db,stroke:#5a189a,stroke-width:1px
classDef async fill:#f8edeb,stroke:#7f5539,stroke-width:1px,stroke-dasharray: 5 5
classDef actor fill:#fefae0,stroke:#606c38,stroke-width:1px
classDef jobQuery fill:#ffedd8,stroke:#ca6702,stroke-width:1px
classDef queryProcess fill:#d8f3dc,stroke:#40916c,stroke-width:1px
classDef embeddingService fill:#ffe5d9,stroke:#9d0208,stroke-width:1px
classDef importProcess fill:#e5e5e5,stroke:#495057,stroke-width:1px
%% Applying classes to nodes
class docs,query,retrieval_service input
class preprocess,split,query_embed,retrieve,context,llm process
class store,nfs database
class response,job_id,job_status output
class rerank rerank
class async_process async
class client,open_api actor
class job_query jobQuery
style query_process fill:#d8f3dc,stroke:#40916c,stroke-width:1px
style embedding_process fill:#ffe5d9,stroke:#9d0208,stroke-width:1px
style import_process fill:#e5e5e5,stroke:#495057,stroke-width:1px
style job_query fill:#ffedd8,stroke:#ca6702,stroke-width:1px
- Docker & Docker Compose v2.0+
- Node.js 18+
- Python 3.9+
- 8GB+ RAM
- 克隆项目
git clone https://github.com/rag-web-ui/rag-web-ui.git
cd rag-web-ui
- 配置环境变量
cp backend/.env.example backend/.env
# 编辑 .env 文件,填写必要的配置项 (见下文)
- 启动服务
docker-compose up -d
- 🌐 前端界面: http://localhost:3000
- 📚 API 文档: /docs
- 💾 MinIO 控制台: http://localhost:9001
- 🐍 Python FastAPI: 高性能异步 Web 框架
- 🗄️ MySQL + ChromaDB: 关系型数据库 + 向量数据库
- 📦 MinIO: 分布式对象存储
- 🔗 Langchain: LLM 应用开发框架
- 🔒 JWT + OAuth2: 身份认证
- ⚛️ Next.js 14: React 应用框架
- 📘 TypeScript: 类型安全
- 🎨 Tailwind CSS: 原子化 CSS
- 🎯 Shadcn/UI: 高质量组件库
- 🤖 Vercel AI SDK: AI 功能集成
- ⚡️ 文档增量处理和异步分块
- 🔄 流式响应和实时反馈
- 📑 向量数据库性能调优
- 🎯 分布式任务处理
cd backend
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # Linux/macOS
pip install -r requirements.txt
uvicorn app.main:app --reload
cd frontend
pnpm install
pnpm dev
cd backend
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "migration message"
alembic upgrade head
配置项 | 说明 | 默认值 | 必填 |
MYSQL_SERVER | MySQL 服务器地址 | localhost | ✅ |
MYSQL_USER | MySQL 用户名 | postgres | ✅ |
MYSQL_PASSWORD | MySQL 密码 | postgres | ✅ |
MYSQL_DATABASE | MySQL 数据库名 | ragwebui | ✅ |
SECRET_KEY | JWT 加密密钥 | - | ✅ |
ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_MINUTES | JWT token 过期时间(分钟) | 30 | ✅ |
CHROMA_DB_HOST | ChromaDB 服务器地址 | localhost | ✅ |
CHROMA_DB_PORT | ChromaDB 端口 | 8000 | ✅ |
OPENAI_API_KEY | OpenAI API 密钥 | - | ✅ |
OPENAI_API_BASE | OpenAI API 代理 URL | - | ❌ |
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL | Next.js API URL | - | ❌ |
- Fork 本仓库
- 创建特性分支 (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - 提交改动 (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - 推送到分支 (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - 创建 Pull Request
- 遵循 Python PEP 8 代码规范
- 遵循 Conventional Commits 提交规范
- Knowledge Base API Integration
- Workflow By Natural Language
- 多路召回
- 支持多模型
- 支持多向量数据库
本项目仅用于学习交流 RAG ,请勿用于商业用途,不具备在生产环境使用的条件,还在持续开发中。
本项目采用 Apache-2.0 许可证
如果这个项目对你有帮助,请考虑给它一个 ⭐️