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Releases: yeoman/generator


22 Nov 16:31
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Generator system

New Features

  • Copying large folder could cause a recursion error. Two new methods (generators.bulkCopy and generators.bulkDirectory) have been added to allow large folder being copied without template and conflict processing on each contained file. (example use case: transferring every file in the Wordpress repo) (#350)
  • Added a new file handling system. Generator now get access to this.src and this.dest who're scoped file utility relative to the sourceRoot and destinationRoot. The file utility is based on the Grunt.file interface but add scope and filters (write filters to beautify, transcode, etc and validate filters to check conflicts). (For examples and discussion see #378 and #313)


  • Fix bug with arguments inversed in the wiring methods (#174)
  • Fix bug causing the end event to be triggered multiple time (Bug #302 -> Fix #402)
  • Options/args passed to runHook are now cloned, so the hooked generator won't modify the state of these objects in the main one.
  • generators fetching methods like extract, fetch, tarball now rely on the NPM download module.

Runner system (Environment)

  • Fix and improve output (#364 and #398)
  • Now detect correctly symlinked npm modules (e.g. using npm link)
  • breaking env.register now only take a string (filepath or NPM module name) to make sure the metadata it assign to the generator are relevant (namespace, resolved). If you want to register a stubbed generator for easy testing, then use env.registerStub, but know the metadata might be missing or erroneous.
  • breaking Removal of env.remote and env.engine. This shouldn't change anything as they were broked or not used.


  • Added support for test coverage using Coveralls reports.
  • Way better support for running test suite on Windows. It should run now.

See all: v0.13.4...v0.14.0