⚙️ git switch -
- Switches to the previously checked-out branch.
⚙️ git rebase -i --root
- Starts an interactive rebase from the very first commit of the current branch.
⚙️ git reset @~
- Resets the current branch to the previous commit (one commit behind the current HEAD).
⚙️ git reset @~3
- Resets the current branch to the 3 commit ago.
⚙️ git restore .
- Revert all file modifications and restore the branch to its state at creation
⚙️ git commit -a --amend --no-edit
- Add changes to files in the latest commit
- Useful when you forget edit something before commit
⚙️ git restore --source 3873c2f Readme.md
- Restore the contents of specific file to match its state in specific commit
⚙️ git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
- Displays the commit history in a concise, one-line format with abbreviated commit hashes.
⚙️ git show --pretty=fuller a6bdb68
- Displays detailed information about the specified commit (a6bdb68 in this case).
- The
option provides a more comprehensive view of the commit, including the commit message, author, date, and file changes.
⚙️ git difftool -t meld
- Opens the Meld visual diff tool instead of standard git diff pager.
⚙️ git diff main origin/main
- Shows the differences between your local
branch and the remoteorigin/main
⚙️ git show feature-branch:example.txt
- Show content of file from another branch
⚙️ git notes add -m "Important performance improvement" a1b2
- Add a note to the commit with hash a1b2
⚙️ git notes show 65f7
- Show the notes attached to the commit with hash 65f7
⚙️ git notes list
- List all notes in the repository
⚙️ git diff main:inf.c imrove_video_information:inf.c
- Show the difference of files content between braches
⚙️ git tag
- List of all tags
⚙️ git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Initial release version 0.1.0"
- Tag with annotation to the latest commit.
⚙️ git push origin tag v1.4.2
- Add tag to remote repo
⚙️ git reset --hard origin/main
- Resets your local
branch to match the remoteorigin/main
⚙️ git cherry-pick c9614f7
- Applies the specified commit (c9614f7) to the current branch.
⚙️ git switch -c perf/optimize-directory-switching
- Creates a new branch named
and switches to it.
⚙️ git worktree add <path> <branch>
- Adds a new worktree at the specified path and checks out the specified branch.
⚙️ git worktree list
- Lists all the worktrees associated with the repository.
⚙️ git worktree lock ../crusial_work
- Locks the specified worktree to prevent it from being pruned or deleted.
⚙️ git worktree unlock ../crusial_work
- Unlocks the specified worktree, allowing it to be pruned or deleted.
⚙️ git config --list
- Displays a list of all the configured Git settings.
⚙️ git config --global pager.show-file batcat -l c --theme="ansi"
- Show content of file with syntax highlight
⚙️ git config --global alias.l "log --graph --format='format:%C(yellow)%h%C(reset) %s %C(magenta)%cr%C(reset)%C(auto)%d%C(reset)'"
- Creates a global Git alias
for the commandgit log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit
. - Allows you to use
git l
instead of typing the full command every time.
⚙️ git bisect start
- Begin a bisect session to find a buggy commit
- Helps narrow down when a bug was introduced
⚙️ git bisect bad 3tww
- Mark the current or specified commit as "bad"
- Indicates the bug exists in this commit
⚙️ git bisect good 28dq
- Mark the current or specified commit as "good"
- Indicates the bug doesn't exist in this commit
⚙️ git bisect reset
- End the bisect session and return to the original HEAD
- Useful when you've found the buggy commit or want to abort
⚙️ git bisect visualize
- Show the remaining suspects in gitk
- Helps visualize the bisect process
⚙️ git bisect log
- Show the log of the bisect session
- Useful for reviewing your bisect steps
⚙️ git maintenance run --auto
Example: https://android.googlesource.com/
⚙️ git submodule add https://github.com/example/library.git
📁 TechCorp
┣ 📁 backend
┃ ┣ 📁 api
┃ ┣ 📁 services
┃ ┗ 📁 database
┣ 📁 frontend
┃ ┣ 📁 web
┃ ┗ 📁 mobile
┗ 📁 docs
┣ 📁 api-docs
┗ 📁 user-guides
⚙️ git clone --no-checkout https://github.com/TechCorp/monorepo.git
⚙️ cd monorepo
⚙️ git sparse-checkout init --cone
⚙️ git sparse-checkout set frontend
⚙️ git checkout main
⚙️ git clone --filter=blob:none https://github.com/TechCorp/monorepo.git
⚙️ git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f passwords.txt' HEAD
⚙️ git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -f sensitive_file.txt' HEAD
⚙️ git config --global rerere.enabled true