- Added change log
- Use icons for var types in debugger
- Highlight debugger vars
- Do not use custom font family and size in debugger
- Fixed quick open for windows users
- Callback stack panel renamed to scripts
- fixed "open script" for windows users
- disable debugger buttons when inactive
- fixed twipsy autohide
- added show settings to main menu
- better var color for dark theme
- fixed set breakpoints
- fixed after and before cases when test failed
- clear debugger if restart and clear mocha treeview if tests restart at watch
- fixed show diff link when click to test case
- change mocha summary output
- added popup for mocha summary if panel hidded
- fixed skip test in mocha view
- fixed save run configs issue in settings view
- fixed issue with empty setting flags
- fixed if procees fails, don't show it as running or put the buttons in a locked state.
- fixed wait background when test runing
- added npm scripts support
- added gulp tasks support
- improved runner selector
- added double click for mocha test cases - opens test and moves cursor to the test case
- fixed empty flags issue for old settings
- fixed total tests count in mocha summary
- disabled debug mode for gulp runner
- force colors in gulp output
- fixed script and flags order for gulp and npm
- fixed icon size if runner name is long
- added 'start current nodejs file' and 'start current mocha file' features
- added queue_manager to resolve "console log spam" issue
- cleanup scrollbars for better view under Windows and Linux
- fixed icon size if runner name is long
- fixed scripts selector view
- removed local mocha package (global installation is required)
- added de and ru localization
- added live search for runner selector
- added keyboard more shortcuts (open new tab, close tab...)
- added debugger_break_on_start option (default true)
- added 'create_new_tab_when_panel_opened_and_empty' and 'change_runner_when_new_tab_opened' options (default true)
- fixed font size for console (now font size is related to brackets global settings)
- added 'start nodejs project' feature
- fixed Mustache require for Brackets 1.7.0
- added side-by-side difference view for mocha
- added code hint for require feature
- fixed side by side modal view
- fixed font size and family in debugger
- fixed require hints match
- fixed runner selector list scrolling
- fixed font for diff links in console output
- show packages hints only if no relative path specified
- added nodejs built-in libs ti require hints
- use CodeMirror as diff tool for mocha expectations
- use thirdparty CodeMirror libs
- added node_modules installer
- replaced treekill package to tree-kill
- use global npm binary setting for installer
- fixed debugger locals font and view
- fixed locals duplicates in debugger
- fixed strict function declaration at extension load
- merged "settings supports keyword" pull request by guofei0723
- updated mocha to 3.2.0
- fixed: Cannot find module 'tree-kill' #12
- fixed: Error running Gulp: "gulp null --color " -> Task 'null' is not in your gulpfile #20
- remove tree-kill from dependencies
- add error message if initial npm instal failed
- Fix issue: Start current NodeJS project with command+shift+P doesn't run. #25
- Fix issue: Error installing in other langage. #26
- Move to NPM registry
- Fix dependencies
- Add gulp to dependencies
- Fix script paths for windows users
- Add gulp binary path to settings
- fix tree-kill issue #34
- fix version in registry