- Global highscore is:
- (+) word length * level modifier (hardness of the level)
- (-) the score used by a player to decrease middle word part
- (-) to the player who landing | crashed the character.
- (+) character modifier (hardness of the character)
- Fixed: player reloading, level reloading
- Added hitbox for player and completed logic for obstacles
Now docs available here: https://docs.page/xsoulspace/word_by_word_game
- Tutorial for mobile & desktop versions.
- Simplified players selection to start a game.
- Simplified new profile player creation.
- Borderless window for native apps.
- Added effects for an action - now you can choose how many effect points will be applied for selected action.
- Made different actions layouts for small and desktop widths.
- Fixed problem with localization - now it has option to choose between system and game localization.
- refactored: all levels screen removed.
- refactored: home screen buttons position a little changed.
- refactored: logic for words and actions now devided into two.
- Added score cost for word suggestion - and hopefully made it more playable.
What's next:
Make hot air mechanics depends from the hot air (add temperature modifier).
Gamify UI.
Think about landscapes as per place of words meanings..
Add Firebase or AppMetrica for crashlitics
- Added Privacy Policy link.
- Added basic suggestion dialog
- Added new ui for text fields and action buttons
- Fixed critical error with saves.
- Added Credits dialog
- Added Icons for Black & White landscape and character
- Completed translation for previous game languages (English, Russian, Italian (very approximate))
- New: restored an option to switch between languages.
- Restored an option to add new word to local dictionary.
- Fixed mobile layout for level options screen.
- Fixed mobile layout for game.
- Now character able to restore its position when is loaded.
- Fixed start again button with ability to restart level.
- Added focus changes for text fields.
- test level with basic mountains
- sprite for character
- Added collision between player's character and the obstacle.
- Added end game dialog with two options - to landscapes and start again.
- Added ability to decrease the middle part when the player has enough score.
- Added highscore counter savable to the player.
- Added Win Level Dialog - now the player should be able to complete the level.
- Added count level highscore when the level is finished.
- Updated game player highscore from level player when the level is finished.
- Added visible player score in level controls.
- Added combined highscore of the player in the level options.
- Added Players & Highscore Screen
What's next:
- Save the position of the character and restore it.
- Reset navigation path when player is finished a level.
- Linked world and world components states to follow the current level state.
- Fixed game camera size.
- Linked character component fuel and global character state fuel. Added refuel machanics and it works!
What's next:
- Link world and world components follow the current game state (blocs).
- Added Game Camera and now it follows the player's character.
- Basic character physics mechanics with ability to consume fuel, go up, keep a line, go down.
- Added the same background color for the all elements of the ui and game world.
- Added ability to Save & Load the game: now it loads the game save during game start and when player press a button save in pause menu it saves the game.
What's next:
- Create player's character and ability to move.
- Create simple obstacles for level (vertical and horizontal)
- Create Game Camera and set it to follow the player's character.
Today's update:
- Created a check mechanics for the word within already written words and Language dictionaries.
- Added notification if the word is written or not correct.
What's next:
- Save & Load the game state.
Today's update:
- Added level state initialization and playing.
- Player turn switcher.
- Added Pause button to the level to call Pause Menu.
- Added ability to continue latest level from the Pause Menu.
What's next:
- Create a check mechanics for the word with already written words.
Today's update:
- Added Chracter Model and Character Selector on Level Options Screen.
- Added Player Profile Creator (UI and simple logic).
- Added Player Profiles selector (UI and simple logic).
- Added ability to use Level Options to play a level.
What's next:
- Player turn switcher.
- Ui notifications when the word is already written or just incorrect.
- Create a check mechanics for the word with already written words.
Today's update:
- Added decrease mechanics for the word buttons.
- Added All Levels Screen with an option to choose a level.
- Added Basic Level Options Screen with an option to choose player character.
What's next:
- Add an option to add several players simultaneously.
- Ui notifications when the word is already written or just incorrect.
- Create a check mechanics for the word with already written words.
- Player turn switcher.
- Fix a bug with middle word part update.
- Added basic mechancis to consume fuel over the time.
- Added basic Fuel Mechanics with an option to refuel storage by sending a new word.
- Added basic Score Mechanics to convert the word to the score and then convert it to the fuel.
What's next:
- Ui notifications when the word is already written or just incorrect.
- Create a check mechanics for the word with already written words.
- Player turn switcher.
- Decrease the middle part from left, and from right sides.
- Added basic player switch logic.
- Basic ability to load game and save game (Models structure) is completed.
- Basic ability to load game state, level state and player state are completed.
- Full word combination logic and saving to the level state is completed.
- Added SendActionButton and visible current player id to the game controls layer.
What's next:
- Fix a bug with middle word part update.
- Create countdown mechanics.
- Reset countdown by sending the new word.
- Player turn switcher.
Game states: Empty state - no players, no levels, no active game Loading state - no players, no levels, active game Live state - active game, players, levels.
Levels states: Empty state - no graphics, no resources, no players, no active level state Loading state - active level state, no graphics, no resources, no players Live state - active level, players, graphics, resources
- basic layout for the game divided to the user controls area and the game image.