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Releases: xmtp/xmtp-js

@xmtp/[email protected]

12 Mar 14:29
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This release focuses on delivering an SDK for a stable, performant, and hardened XMTP V3.


Please upgrade your app to use @xmtp/node-sdk ≥ 1.0.0 by May 1, 2025 to enable your app to connect to the XMTP V3 network. If you do not upgrade your app, it will continue to connect to the XMTP V2 network, which will be deprecated and put in read-only mode on May 1. To learn more about XMTP V2 deprecation, see XIP-53: XMTP V2 deprecation plan.

Upgrade from 0.0.x to 1.0.0

Use the information in these release notes to upgrade from @xmtp/node-sdk 0.0.x to 1.0.0.

Breaking changes

Primary XMTP identifier is now an inbox ID, not an Ethereum address

In preparation for upcoming support for Passkeys, XMTP must evolve from using Ethereum account addresses (0x...) as the primary identifier to an inbox-based identity model.

This change allows for broader support of different authentication mechanisms, including the currently supported Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs) and Smart Contract Wallets (SCWs), as well as future support for Passkeys, Bitcoin, and Solana, for example.

The move to an inbox-based identity model means the following shift in approach when developing with XMTP:

  • Instead of assuming an Ethereum address as the unique identifier, developers should default to using an inbox ID where possible.

  • Where you previously used an Ethereum address, you must now use an inbox ID

    • addMembers(addresses)addMembers(inboxIds)
    • removeMember(addresses)removeMembers(inboxIds)
    • newGroup(addresses)newGroup(inboxIds)
    • newDm(address)newDm(inboxId)


These function changes (address → inbox ID) won't trigger errors since both parameters are strings. Your code will pass a type-check but may fail at runtime. Pay special attention to these changes when upgrading.

  • The previous methods that allowed the use of an inbox ID have been removed in favor of the above methods

    • addMembersByInboxIds(inboxIds)
    • removeMembersByInboxIds(inboxIds)
    • newGroupByInboxIds(inboxIds)
    • newDmByInboxId(inboxId)
  • New methods have been added to allow the use of addresses with the Identifier type

    • addMembersByIdentifiers(Identifier[])
    • removeMembersByIdentifiers(Identifier[])
    • newGroupByIdentifiers(Identifier[])
    • newDmByIdentifier(Identifier)
  • We recommend moving away from using addresses in code completely. However, if you MUST use addresses, wrap them with the Identifier type.

    For example, the address 0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678 must now be wrapped like so:

    const identifier: Identifier = {
      identifier: "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
      identifierKind: IdentifierKind.Ethereum,
  • Because XMTP is interoperable, you may interact with inboxes that are not on your app. In these scenarios, you will need to find the appropriate inbox ID or address.

    // get an inbox ID from an address
    const inboxId = await getInboxIdForIdentifier({
      identifier: "0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678",
      identifierKind: IdentifierKind.Ethereum,
    // find the addresses associated with an inbox ID
    const inboxState = await client.inboxStateFromInboxIds([inboxId]);
    interface InboxState {
      inboxId: string
      recoveryIdentifier: Identifier
      installations: Installation[]
      identifiers: Identifier[]
    const addresses = inboxState.identifiers
      .filter((i) => i.identifierKind === IdentifierKind.Ethereum)
      .map((i) => i.identifier);

Wallet and signer updates

The term “wallet” has been removed from the codebase. This is to align with future support for Passkeys and other non-wallet-based authentication methods.

This release includes breaking changes to the Signer type.

  • The walletType field is now type. The type field refers to the type of account that will sign messages, such as an EOA or SCW.
  • The getAddress field has been replaced by getIdentifier, which is a function that returns an Identifier type.
// old
const address = await signer.getAddress();

// new
const identifier = await signer.getIdentifier();
// identifier may not be an Ethereum address
const address = identifier.identifierKind === IdentifierKind.Ethereum ?
  identifier.identifier :

Other recent changes

Conversations are now instances of Group or Dm

The new Group and Dm classes extend the Conversation class and provide specific functionality based on the conversation type.


client.conversations.list() now returns an array of Group or Dm classes. When accessing specific functionality based on conversation type, you must check the type first so that the TypeScript compiler can narrow the type.

const conversations: (Group | Dm)[] = await client.conversations.list();

for (const conversation of conversations) {
  // narrow the type to Group to access the group name
  if (conversation instanceof Group) {

  // narrow the type to Dm to access the peer inboxId
  if (conversation instanceof Dm) {

Recently added features

Disappearing messages

This release provides support for disappearing (ephemeral) messages. These are messages that are intended to be visible to users for only a short period of time. After the message expiration time passes, the messages are removed from the UI and deleted from local storage so the messages are no longer accessible to conversation participants.

To learn more, see Support disappearing messages with XMTP.

Future-proofing app interoperability

This release introduces error handling that will help support app interoperability across SDK versions, even when breaking changes are required in the future.

In the future, an SDK version may introduce a breaking change, such as a feature that works only for apps on the latest versions of the SDK. Instead of forcing immediate upgrades or causing apps on older versions to break, this update adds a safety net that gracefully handles breaking changes.

At this time, no features rely on this mechanism, and no action is needed. However, this ensures your app remains resilient to future SDK updates that introduce breaking changes.

@xmtp/[email protected]

06 Mar 16:21
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Patch Changes

  • dd1a33a:
    • Fixed stream errors
    • Fixed build for later node versions

@xmtp/[email protected]

06 Mar 16:21
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Patch Changes

@xmtp/[email protected]

05 Mar 22:32
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Patch Changes

  • 3cf6dd9:
    • Exposed all client signature methods
    • Refactored client signature methods to return undefined instead of null
    • Added guard to Client.addAccount to prevent automatic reassignment of inboxes
    • Removed allowedStates, conversationType, and includeSyncGroups from ListConversationsOptions
    • Added contentTypes option to ListMessagesOptions
    • Added more exports from the bindings
    • Added Group and Dm classes
    • Refactored some functions to use the new Group and Dm classes

@xmtp/[email protected]

05 Mar 22:32
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Patch Changes

  • 3cf6dd9:
    • Exposed all client signature methods
    • Added guard to Client.addAccount to prevent automatic reassignment of inboxes
    • Renamed syncAdmins to listAdmins and syncSuperAdmins to listSuperAdmins
    • Added consent and preference streaming
    • Removed allowedStates, conversationType, and includeSyncGroups from ListConversationsOptions
    • Added contentTypes option to ListMessagesOptions
    • Changed OPFS VFS to SyncAccessHandle Pool
    • Added more exports from the bindings
    • Added Group and Dm classes
    • Refactored some functions to use the new Group and Dm classes

@xmtp/[email protected]

25 Feb 00:28
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Patch Changes

  • 5221111:
    • Added new methods to create groups by inbox ID
    • Added consent states option to syncAllConversations
    • Updated list conversations options to include consentStates and includeDuplicateDms
    • Removed automatic message filtering from DM groups
    • Added disappearing messages methods to conversations
    • Added optional listMessage property to Conversation
    • Added consent streaming
    • Added preferences streaming
    • Added Client.version static getter

@xmtp/[email protected]

24 Feb 16:13
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Patch Changes

  • c63d8af: Make getBlockNumber optional for SCW signers

@xmtp/[email protected]

24 Feb 01:07
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Patch Changes

@xmtp/[email protected]

24 Feb 16:53
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Patch Changes

  • f53c967: Refactored Signer, made getBlockNumber optional for SCW signers

@xmtp/[email protected]

21 Feb 22:03
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Patch Changes