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DatabaseExecutor is a virion library for executing SQL queries asynchronously with Laravel models and builders. It's working for 5 months on a production server. Tested with MySQL and Sqlite.

// For example
$query = PlayerModel::username('xerenahmed');
$playerModel = GlobalExecutor::getInstance()->first($query);
$playerModel->locale = 'en';

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Quick Start


Install Dependencies

DatabaseExecutor requires PHP 8 or later. It also requires the following packages:

composer require illuminate/database:^9.37.0 guzzlehttp/promises:^1.5

Make sure you have the await-generator virion.

Install DatabaseExecutor

  • Option 1: Download last build from poggit and shade in plugin PHAR.
  • Option 2: Clone git repository into your virions folder.

Usage In a Plugin

There is a example plugin for using DatabaseExecutor. You can find it in the example folder.

Define a model

For more info

class PlayerModel extends Model{
	protected $table = 'players';

	protected $primaryKey = 'username';
	protected $keyType = "string";
	public $incrementing = false;

	protected $guarded = [];
	public $timestamps = true;

	public function scopeUsername(Builder $query, string $username): void{
		$query->where('username', strtolower($username));

Define your Executor Thread

In here we will create a base executor instance that will be used to execute queries. This is the Thread side of work. Also you use this instance to connect to your database and load your classes.

use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager;

abstract class MyExecutorThread extends DatabaseExecutorThread{

	 * @throws \Exception
	public function createCapsule(): Manager{
	    return ExecutorManager::newCapsule("plugin-name", [
			"driver" => "sqlite",
			"database" => Path::join($dataPath, "database.sqlite"),
			"prefix" => "",

	public function registerClassLoaders(): void{

		// Register your vendor autoloader here
		require_once $this->dataPath . '/plugins/vendor/autoload.php';

		// Register dotenv if you use it to load environment variables

Define your Executor Provider

This is the Executor Provider in the main thread. You specify Excetutor Thread with createThread and you will create your own function to pass parameters to the Executor Thread.

class MoneyExecutor implements DatabaseExecutorProviderInterface{
	use DatabaseExecutorProvider;

    // This is required by DatabaseExecutorProviderInterface
	public function createThread(HandlerQueue $handlerQueue, SleeperNotifier $notifier): DatabaseExecutorThread{
		return new MoneyExecutorThread($handlerQueue, $notifier);

    // promise example for add money
	public function add(string $username, float $money): Promise{
		return $this->createPromise(strtolower($username), $money);

    // await-generator usage for add money
	public function add(string $username, float $money): \Generator{
		return $this->createAsync(strtolower($username), $money);

    // use one of them according to your need,
    // these are just example so you don't need to make both for same action

// MoneyExecutorThread.php
// This specified in MoneyExecutor (Provider) and responsible for handle provider needs.
class MoneyExecutorThread extends MyExecutorThread{
	 * @param array{string, int} $data
	public function handle(Connection $connection, array $data): int{
        // we sent username and money so we can destructure array directly
		[$username, $money] = $data;
		return PlayerModel::username($username)->increment('money', $money);

Use your Money Executor

$executor = MoneyExecutor::getInstance();
$executor->add('xerenahmed', 1000)->then(function(int $result){
    echo "Updated $result rows";
$executor->stop(); // stop in onDisable or when you don't need anymore

Use Money Executor with Await Generator

$executor = MoneyExecutor::getInstance();
Await::f2c(function() use($executor){
    $result = yield from $executor->addAsync('xerenahmed', 1000);
    echo "Updated $result rows";
    $executor->stop(); // stop in onDisable or when you don't need anymore

Use ExecutorManager to manage & quit all executors

class Manager extends PluginBase{
	public static ExecutorManager $executorManager;

	public function onEnable(): void{
		self::$executorManager = ExecutorManager::create();

	protected function onDisable(): void{

Use models in main thread

You should set connection resolver in main thread to use models in main thread. And specify the connection name in your model.

$capsule =  ExecutorManager::newCapsule("plugin-name", [
    "driver" => "sqlite",
    "database" => Path::join($dataPath, "database.sqlite"),
    "prefix" => "",
// Register in connection resolver, so you can use models in main thread
ExecutorManager::registerCapsule('plugin-name', $capsule);

Global Executor

Global Executor is a singleton executor that can be used to execute queries without needing to create an executor instance. Useful for executing simple queries. You should implement your own 'global' executor if you want to use it. Because it's must be unique per plugin.


// MyGlobalExecutor.php
use xerenahmed\database\global\GlobalExecutor;
use xerenahmed\database\DatabaseExecutorProvider;

class MyGlobalExecutor extends GlobalExecutor{
	use DatabaseExecutorProvider;

	public function createThread(HandlerQueue $handlerQueue, SleeperNotifier $notifier): DatabaseExecutorThread{
		return new MyGlobalExecutorThread($handlerQueue, $notifier);

// MyGlobalExecutorThread.php
use Illuminate\Database\Capsule\Manager;
use xerenahmed\database\global\GlobalExecutorThread;

class MyGlobalExecutorThread extends GlobalExecutorThread{
	public function createCapsule(): Manager{
		return Main::newCapsule($this->dataPath);

    // that's it!

Usage after implementing

    $result = yield from MyGlobalExecutor::getInstance()->first(PlayerModel::username('xerenahmed'));
    echo "Found " . $result->username;
// or
    ->then(function(PlayerModel $player){
        echo $player->money;

Advanced Usage

Transactions etc.

class AdvancedExecutor implements DatabaseExecutorProviderInterface{
	use DatabaseExecutorProvider;

	public function createThread(HandlerQueue $handlerQueue, SleeperNotifier $notifier): DatabaseExecutorThread{
		return new AdvancedExecutorThread($handlerQueue, $notifier);

	public function create(string $founderUsername, string $name, string $description, int $createCost): \Generator{
		return $this->createAsync(Action::CREATE, strtolower($founderUsername), $name, $description, $createCost);

	public function getTeamMemberModels(array $playerUsernames): \Generator{
		return $this->createAsync(Action::GET_TEAM_MEMBER_MODELS, array_map('strtolower', $playerUsernames));

class AdvancedExecutorThread extends MyExecutorThread{
    public function handle(Connection $connection, array $data): mixed{
        $action = array_shift($data);

        return match ($action) {
            Action::CREATE => $this->create($connection, ...$data),
            Action::GET_TEAM_MEMBER_MODELS => $this->getTeamMemberModels(...$data),
            default => throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid action $action")

    public function create(Connection $connection, string $founderUsername, string $name, string $description, int $teamCreateCost): TeamModel{
                "money" => $connection->raw("money - {$teamCreateCost}"),

            $team = new TeamModel();
            // Set params

                "username" => strtolower($founderUsername),
                "team" => $team->id,
                "statue" => 2,
                "created_at" => Carbon::now(),

        }catch(\Exception $e){
            throw $e;

        return $team;

    public function getTeamMemberModels(array $playerUsernames): Collection{
        return TeamMemberModel::with([
        ])->whereIn("username", $playerUsernames)->get();

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