All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
18.1.0-next.2 (2025-03-10)
- gantt root component reference from public api (9699e45)
18.1.0-next.1 (2025-03-07)
- calendar: track by x-axis and migrate to the built-in control flow (1d25923)
- gantt-upper: use getUnixTime instead of manually dividing (442a891)
- gantt: removed unused import (6b18836)
- config: move time zone setting to config service and add default time zone getter (563c346)
18.1.0-next.0 (2025-02-06)
- add time zone support #501 (#502) (255dac2)
- i18n: support 简体中文, 繁體中文, English, 日本語, Deutsch, Русский язык #499 #491 (#500) (028a49c)
- support Date type for gantt start and end date (0f88a5c)
18.0.5 (2024-11-27)
- gantt: support quick time focus #TINFR-1044 (#494) (df0f813), closes #TINFR-1044
18.0.4 (2024-10-22)
- reset draggable or linkable when modify item.draggable or item.linkable #TINFR-806 (f05e47f), closes #TINFR-806
18.0.3 (2024-09-26)
- gantt: handle footer container show when not exist #TINFR-725 @luxiaobei (#TINFR-725) (#486) (3dfeb8e), closes #TINFR-725 #TINFR-725 #TINFR-725
18.0.2 (2024-09-18)
- gantt: add scrollbar component(#TINFR-605) (#484) (f0e7128), closes #TINFR-605 #TINFR-605 #TINFR-605
18.0.1 (2024-09-09)
18.0.0 (2024-08-22)
18.0.0-next.0 (2024-08-16)
- create english translation documentation (404f185)
- support custom header and item height #431 (#449) (986ed80)
17.0.0-next.0 (2024-03-11)
- add date options for supported date locale and weekStartsOn #436 #242 (#445) (861499a)
- support hour view #375 #298 #INFR-4223 (#443) (fad93c1), closes #INFR-4223
16.0.3 (2023-12-28)
16.0.1 (2023-08-30)
- baseline: #INFR-9182 support baseline template (32b2295), closes #INFR-9182
16.0.0 (2023-08-23)
16.0.0-next.0 (2023-08-17)
15.2.0 (2023-08-17)
- merge v15.2.0-next (65aa1f3)
15.1.4 (2023-08-03)
- export components (45c978a)
- export components (5a46f9d)
- remove the redundant white border #INFR-9002 (a5ecd75), closes #INFR-9002
- remove the redundant white border at gantt bar #INFR-9002 (47da959), closes #INFR-9002
15.1.3 (2023-08-02)
- add bar index when drag #INFR-8617 (#404) (a17bf27), closes #INFR-8617 #INFR-8617
15.1.2 (2023-07-19)
- fix children display error when dropEnterPredicate return false #INFR-8641 (54c3455), closes #INFR-8641
15.2.0-next.1 (2023-07-28)
- support load data when virtual scroll #INFR-8652 (#395) (f20ad4c), closes #INFR-8652 #INFR-8626
15.2.0-next.0 (2023-07-19)
- gantt component support footer template #INFR-8626 (#394) (c437b0c), closes #INFR-8626 #INFR-8626
15.1.1 (2023-07-05)
- fix compute scroll bar error (395d82a)
- fix misalignment when scrollbar scrolls to the edge (#389) (6f5c862)
- fix two scrollbar error (b73c3e3)
15.1.0 (2023-05-19)
- change color #348fe4 to #6698ff #INFR-7105 (5849ddb), closes #348fe4 #INFR-7105
- auto scroll when dragging #INFR-6189 (#317) (d18654d), closes #INFR-6189 #INFR-6189 #INFR-6189
- git: add auto publish (#364) (29b2ec6)
- merge 15.1.0-next (1aaedf2)
- modified some color variables #348fe4 to #6698ff
15.1.0-next.12 (2023-04-17)
- gantt: handle style change when start and end same(#INFR-7407) (ceca539), closes #INFR-7407
15.1.0-next.11 (2023-04-13)
- gantt: optimize auto scroll speed: the speed increases when the mouse is closer to the gantt edge #INFR-7196 (#355) (da8c377), closes #INFR-7196 #INFR-7196 #INFR-7196 #INFR-7196
15.1.0-next.10 (2023-04-12)
- gantt: auto-scroll should be stopped when start time is greater than end time #INFR-7195 (#352) (6f3d29f), closes #INFR-7195 #INFR-7195 #INFR-7195 #INFR-7195
- gantt: the fast right (left) dragging start (end) time, the width of the bar is wrong #INFR-7111 (#351) (683661c), closes #INFR-7111 #INFR-7111 #INFR-7111 #INFR-7111
15.1.0-next.8 (2023-04-03)
- gantt: support color change bar background update(#INFR-7135) (368d98a), closes #INFR-7135
- gantt: support gantt table body dragStarted dragEnded function(#INFR-7138) (#350) (2fece74), closes #INFR-7138 #INFR-7138 #INFR-7138 #INFR-7138 #INFR-7138 #INFR-7138 #INFR-7138
- clear drag artifacts when moved on non draggable item #INFR-7120 (379a3f9), closes #INFR-7120
15.1.0-next.7 (2023-03-30)
- gantt: fix drag scroll #INFR-6189 (#345) (fbfeeb1), closes #INFR-6189 #INFR-6189
15.1.0-next.6 (2023-03-30)
- children did not move together after dragging #INFR-7103 (#344) (9697d2e), closes #INFR-7103
15.1.0-next.5 (2023-03-29)
- fix failed to add class dynamically from ngx-gantt-column component (#340) (1c66611)
- gantt: first set time bar background error because old data also set width(#INFR-7096) (b801d41), closes #INFR-7096
- gantt: limit min date one day when bar handle drag #INFR-7097 (252d7e6), closes #INFR-7097
15.1.0-next.4 (2023-03-27)
15.1.0-next.3 (2023-03-24)
- fix table drag error when drag stared #INFR-7058 (d5a0093), closes #INFR-7058
15.1.0-next.2 (2023-03-24)
- bar drag scroll without drop list #INFR-6189 (2926586), closes #INFR-6189
- support column inherits the class when gantt-table-column sets class #INFR-6999 (81f37c9), closes #INFR-6999
- fix table width error when change columns #INFR-7012 (25b1487), closes #INFR-7012
- hide items without start and end #INFR-7011 (#334) (00d70be), closes #INFR-7011 #INFR-7011
15.1.0-next.1 (2023-03-21)
- support table loader #INFR-6879 (#329) (9ac7146), closes #INFR-6879
- fix drag insert index bug when target expanded (#328) (57f82da)
- fix empty table style #INFR-6959 (#330) (a81f54a), closes #INFR-6959 #INFR-6959
15.1.0-next.0 (2023-03-16)
- auto scroll when dragging #INFR-6189 (#317) (d18654d), closes #INFR-6189 #INFR-6189 #INFR-6189
- support table items drag and drop #INFR-6731 (#325) (1d1f671), closes #INFR-6731 #INFR-6731
- support virtual scroll (5597411)
15.0.0 (2023-03-09)
- gantt: optimize code to expand icon column(#INFR-6568) (61e5e7f), closes #INFR-6568
- gantt: support fixed expand icon assign column #INFR-6568 @zhangwen (#INFR-6568) (#307) (7f47743), closes #INFR-6568 #INFR-6568 #INFR-6568 #INFR-6568 #INFR-6568
- gantt: support fixed expand icon assign column(#INFR-6568) (1b0ec59), closes #INFR-6568
15.0.0-next.0 (2023-02-14)
14.0.5 (2023-02-01)
- gantt: support export expand change(#INFR-6265) (d583aaf), closes #INFR-6265
14.0.4 (2023-01-09)
- fix drag to boundary error #INFR-5951 (#293) (6dfa78b), closes #INFR-5951
14.0.3 (2022-12-22)
- 使用 secondary-text-weekend 自定义样式改为 weekend
- support custom date point style #INFR-5801 (#287) (3642100), closes #INFR-5801 #INFR-5801
- support custom fill start or end days #INFR-5800 (#286) (c4b12e9), closes #INFR-5800 #INFR-5800
- change class secondary-text-weekend to weekend (770731b)
- fix demo and support rerenderView #INFR-5754 (#284) (c77f9ef), closes #INFR-5754
- fix overflow style #INFR-5854 (b5c751c), closes #INFR-5854
14.0.2 (2022-12-12)
- support custom view #INFR-5626 (4609b68), closes #INFR-5626
- toolbar: add toolbar component #INFR-5195 (#276) (a420280), closes #INFR-5195
- add register custom view test (90eca8a)
14.0.1 (2022-08-24)
- fix takeUntil import (717e60b)
14.0.0 (2022-08-24)
- merge angular v14 (4251122)
13.1.1 (2022-08-22)
- add scroll to date #INFR-4334 (71220d7), closes #INFR-4334
- public scrollToToday function (79b5a6c)
- support baseline #INFR-4222 (626805d), closes #INFR-4222
- add baseline doc and test #INFR-4222 (56ca20a), closes #INFR-4222
- delete useless code (9523dbc)
- fix demo and support GanttDate in scrollToDate #INFR-4334 (4f339d7), closes #INFR-4334
13.1.0 (2022-07-01)
- public scrollToToday function (79b5a6c)
13.0.0 (2022-05-24)
13.0.0-next.1 (2022-05-18)
13.0.0-next.0 (2022-05-18)
- use new sass moudle #INFR-2780 (8ddd816), closes #INFR-2780
- change style docs (aac04d8)
- support only drag or link #INFR-2818 (4cd5dd5), closes #INFR-2818
12.2.2 (2022-03-31)
- add select functional (47c4fed)
- support fs,ff,ss,sf link types (#194) (175508c)
- support fs,ss,sf,ff dnd to create line (#195) (e91ce5b)
- add sass:math (b18f85e)
- add vendor prefix to CSS properties that are updated through JavaScript (7ef6ff9)
- bar: fix BarHandleDrag backdrop date error #INFR-2809 (c0bead0), closes #INFR-2809
- delete items trackBy (29f8b79)
- dnd: fix calc error of bar overall drag end date (5fba2f8)
- do not mark listeners as
if they are not supported and reduce DOM lookups (09e39bb) - fix date calc logic of overall drag bar (67d56af)
- fix cycle import (bc14e08)
- fix drag link line flickering (19fba4e)
- fix generateFSAndSFPath when line is curve (539c9d3)
- fix linkOptions merge error (911ecf9)
- link: support default and active color (baffc42)
- make server-side compatible (27f5f16)
- remove console (482ab53)
- remove console code (8c07eac)
- rename some function (cd2f74d)
- render the gantt view even if the zone is already stable (bfd055c)
12.2.0 (2022-03-14)
- add select functional (47c4fed)
- support fs,ff,ss,sf link types (#194) (175508c)
- support fs,ss,sf,ff dnd to create line (#195) (e91ce5b)
- delete items trackBy (29f8b79)
- fix date calc logic of overall drag bar (67d56af)
- fix cycle import (bc14e08)
- fix drag link line flickering (19fba4e)
- fix generateFSAndSFPath when line is curve (539c9d3)
- fix linkOptions merge error (911ecf9)
- dnd: fix calc error of bar overall drag end date (5fba2f8)
- remove console (482ab53)
- remove console code (8c07eac)
- rename some function (cd2f74d)
12.2.0-next.1 (2022-03-04)
- delete items trackBy (29f8b79)
- fix date calc logic of overall drag bar (67d56af)
- fix cycle import (bc14e08)
- fix GanttLinkType (fd2ee4d)
- dnd: fix calc error of bar overall drag end date (5fba2f8)
- hide path arrow (42fe9da)
- remove console (482ab53)
- remove console code (8c07eac)
- rename some function (cd2f74d)
12.2.0-next.0 (2022-02-14)
- add link types (ee4493e)
- hide path arrow (42fe9da)
12.1.2 (2022-02-09)
- support table row before slot and after slot #INFR-2559 (0470696), closes #INFR-2559
12.1.1 (2022-02-09)
- add bar dragMoved event, add getGanttItem public functions #INFR-2563 (7548ddd), closes #INFR-2563 3e6cd59ff7f8130888fa01d676f043e3045a49b7))
12.1.0 (2022-01-25)
12.0.2 (2022-01-19)
- change compilationMode to partial (172f641)
- setup expanded state with item children (#166) (be7fc38)
12.0.1 (2022-01-18)
12.0.0 (2021-07-20)
- bump angular 12 (7b4511c)
- change favicon.ico (74c8c1a)
11.0.0 (2021-07-09)
- add empty table #INFR-2051 (#129) (5f24470), closes #INFR-2051 #INFR-2051
- bump angular 11 (1c0f562)
- bump cdk 11 and fix drag error (be009d4)
- change bar width after change view type (031e080)
- change cdk version (59865f0)
- delete console (efec479)
- fix karma conf (2677d36)
- fix test error (d807b82)
- npm i (d834c79)
11.0.0-next.1 (2021-07-02)
- bump angular 11 (be1ea0f)
- bump cdk 11 and fix drag error (052264c)
- change bar width after change view type (6c6de0a)
- change cdk version (c7114ab)
- delete console (ebe8ef8)
- fix karma conf (79e86b4)
- npm i (d88d97f)
11.0.0-next (2021-07-01)
- bump angular 11 (be1ea0f)
- change bar width after change view type (6c6de0a)
- change cdk version (c7114ab)
- delete console (ebe8ef8)
- npm i (d88d97f)
0.0.50 (2021-06-30)
- add bar drag test (a0d0e3a)
- add gantt component test #INFR-1694 (#105) (28e05a1), closes #INFR-1694
- add gantt table test #INFR-1716 (a57d546), closes #INFR-1716
- add test(#INFR-2013) (a31da21), closes #INFR-2013
- support week view and add test(#INFR-1996) (75a6930), closes #INFR-1996
- support week view and add test(#INFR-1996) (#113) (ac1c252), closes #INFR-1996 #INFR-1996
- support year view and add test(#INFR-2007) (#117) (0f12338), closes #INFR-2007 #INFR-2007 #INFR-2007
- 修改日视图的 bar 长度(#INFR-2013) (9ac28e7), closes #INFR-2013
- add gantt date test (f4f8a16)
- add gantt view test (e25a5b0)
- add gantt with groups and load children test (e14ebb9)
- add missed component configuration (67eb9f7)
- add range component test and move flat component to example (19a167d)
- delete mock data (9970c3f)
- fix drag-auxiliary-line position error when drag (a815a98)
- class: add gantt item class and gantt group class test #INFR-1692 (#100) (97aa4d1), closes #INFR-1692
- fix error (42b5785)
- doc: fix docs start and end (febfaaa)
- docs: add more docs (0fe700b)
- docs: fix docs guide (fa11e43)
- util: add util test #INFR-1693 (4a642ac), closes #INFR-1693
- view: fix view test #INFR-1690 (#98) (6ca26af), closes #INFR-1690
- fix function (88d66d3)
- fix review code (e570b43)
- review code (51d583f)
- 当开始时间或者截止时间未设时,甘特图中显示的默认 bar 的长度应该因视图不同而不同(#INFR-2013) (1c31fc6), closes #INFR-2013
0.0.49 (2021-01-18)
- fix drag-auxiliary-line position error when drag (a815a98)
0.0.48 (2021-01-15)
- table: drag table and delete cache (826f2d2)
- table: fixed drag when column width less than min column width (a11735b)
- change columnChange to columnChanges (f271d82)
- merge angular 9.0.0 and update docs (a8ebdd3)
0.0.47 (2021-01-06)
- fix error when columns change (16207e9)
0.0.46 (2021-01-04)
0.0.45 (2020-11-21)
- support custom group header (32184bf)
0.0.44 (2020-11-16)
- calendar: hide today date when view type is not day #INFR-1241 (#82) (2610f22), closes #INFR-1241
0.0.43 (2020-10-29)
- fix item position error when item start less than gantt start (a29f273)
- fix item position error when item start less than gantt start (5295f20)
0.0.42 (2020-10-23)
- hide today line when today is not in date range (f8c088d)
0.0.41 (2020-09-01)
- just hide today line and support safari browser (02b2157)
0.0.40 (2020-08-27)
- perfect link links (d211bcf)
0.0.39 (2020-08-26)
- add scroll class when scroll (#71) (a6c8776)
- bump html2canvas 1.0.0-rc.7 (52327b4)
- delete useless code (f0661d5)
- fix print style (c00d2ef)
- use custom start and end #INFR-909 (162262c), closes #INFR-909
0.0.38 (2020-08-20)
- bump html2canvas 1.0.0-rc.7 (52327b4)
0.0.37 (2020-08-20)
0.0.36 (2020-08-20)
- fix print error (f773f28)
0.0.35 (2020-08-19)
- change today line to normal element (f5b6571)
0.0.34 (2020-08-12)
0.0.33 (2020-08-01)
- use setted expandable (0bf3387)
0.0.32 (2020-07-31)
- new today style and fix item style (8d1ad7b)
0.0.31 (2020-07-28)
- add template in range and change today style (a4391a5)
0.0.30 (2020-07-25)
0.0.29 (2020-07-24)
0.0.28 (2020-07-24)
- add showTodayLine in view option (#45) (4ed8c3b)
- support gantt range and bar progress (#47) (82f2ac1)
- fix calendar line overflow (ec8ca06)
- fix scroll sync (f2f8406)
- show range when item has start and end (c170705)
0.0.27 (2020-07-18)
0.0.26 (2020-07-16)
0.0.25 (2020-07-16)
- calendar: delete week backdrop and change calendar header color (e96f1e0)
0.0.24 (2020-07-14)
0.0.23 (2020-07-13)
- add root component (c4792ec)
- item: fix item barStyle type (374050f)
0.0.22 (2020-07-04)
- links: fix build links error (ccd638a)
0.0.21 (2020-07-04)
0.0.20 (2020-07-03)
0.0.19 (2020-07-02)
0.0.18 (2020-06-30)
- remove children sync when data changed (4bb9150)
0.0.17 (2020-06-29)
- support expand and collapse groups (2072aac)
- fix expanded not work when items or groups changed (c57bb59)
0.0.16 (2020-06-28)
- item add expandable, rename expand to expanded (8cc3a55)
0.0.15 (2020-06-28)
- fix children not expand when items change (c34831f)
0.0.14 (2020-06-20)
- dom: disable browser default wheel event (8dcf412)
- links: add line click (3fb5a15)
- links: add linkDragEnded in example (#31) (5ef8441)
- links: build links when change view type (3f5655f)
- links: delete console (7e10383)
- links: merge master and show link line (359d688)
- links: review fix (d149d3c)
0.0.12 (2020-06-12)
- dom: disable browser default wheel event (8dcf412)
- links: add line click (3fb5a15)
- links: delete console (7e10383)
- links: merge master and show link line (359d688)
- links: review fix (d149d3c)
0.0.11 (2020-06-10)
- flat: fix group items empty style and fix load on scroll (29c0d52)
0.0.10 (2020-06-09)
- add merge mode component 'ngx-gantt-flat' (164d1a5)
0.0.9 (2020-06-06)
- fix today line compute and group state sync bug (#23) (641ac49)
- column: compute column width in util (1b4078a)
0.0.8 (2020-06-06)
- fix today line compute and group state sync bug (#23) (641ac49)
- column: compute column width in util (1b4078a)
0.0.7 (2020-06-04)
- add icon component and use with group expand (cd162b9)
- add side shadow (e5c7fd0)
- refactor styles and add dragging mask backdrop (f34f3e6)
- icon: add icons (c1e0648)
- fix group template context and group expand (92958dc)
- gantt-table: add ngx-gantt-table component (#16) (8b09018)
- table: change table td padding (#17) (41d89d9)
- table: change td and th padding (362ce4e)
- table: fix side overflow (03e1b38)
- table: use one table in gantt table (#15) (ce344e3)
- fix onChanges event and dragging backdrop position (d78695b)
0.0.6 (2020-06-04)
- add icon component and use with group expand (cd162b9)
- add side shadow (e5c7fd0)
- refactor styles and add dragging mask backdrop (f34f3e6)
- icon: add icons (c1e0648)
- fix group template context and group expand (92958dc)
- gantt-table: add ngx-gantt-table component (#16) (8b09018)
- table: change table td padding (#17) (41d89d9)
- table: use one table in gantt table (#15) (ce344e3)
0.0.5 (2020-06-03)
- add icon component and use with group expand (cd162b9)
- add side shadow (e5c7fd0)
- refactor styles and add dragging mask backdrop (f34f3e6)
- icon: add icons (c1e0648)
- fix group template context and group expand (92958dc)
- gantt-table: add ngx-gantt-table component (#16) (8b09018)
- table: use one table in gantt table (#15) (ce344e3)
0.0.4 (2020-06-01)
- add icon component and use with group expand (cd162b9)
- fix group template context and group expand (92958dc)
0.0.3 (2020-06-01)
- output scss files
- gantt-table: add collapse in gantt table group (5101eea)
- add drag and dom service (2f33f57)
- add gantt print service (3a6cd36)
- add today line and auto scroll today (#13) (aa93ef0)
- gantt table component (742f094)
- initialize gantt structure and components (d60b4a7)
- gant-table: add gantt table style (f195f79)
- gantt-table: add header template in column (#12) (9474055)
- scroll side and viewer scroll (de7d358)
- structure adjustment (a5082ec)
- support expand group (e371cb0)
- gantt-table: add width in gantt column (bdcaa88)
- table: add gantt side table (89a7db9)