Breaking changes:
- The following functions have been removed as part of the Remove redundant utilities/utilities making no sense effort:
- extract_file_name_with_extension
- extract_file_name_and_extension
- extract_file_dir_path
- parse_tuple_from_string
- generate_hex_uuid_4
- generate_random_file_name_with_extension
- get_class_name
- get_class_qualname
- Package structure has been altered.
- Drop support for Python 3.5.
Other changes:
- Update the docs.
- Switch from Python 3.6+ typing.Collection back to typing.Sequence for backward compatibility with Python 3.5.
- Support Python 3.8.
- Switch to native Python paths.
- Support Python 3.7.
- Upgrade all dependencies to the latest versions to date.
- Move tests to the root.
- Pick another naming scheme for tests.
- Convert NamedTuple's to classes and document them.
- Clean up docstrings.
- Stop indexing tests in docs.
- Fix deployment to the new PyPI.
- Mention python-humble-utils in "Open Source Projects using Hypothesis".
- Move bumpversion configuration from setup.cfg to .bumpversion.cfg.
- Enclose notes in Note blocks.
- Remove entrypoint section from
- Add insert utility.
- Bump package Development Status.
- Test package deployment locally.
- Fix relative paths notice.
- Add Gitter badge.
- Fill in HISTORY.
- Document python_humble_utils package.
- Introduce local requirements.
- Stop using pip-tools.
- Point out that all paths in docs are relative to the project root.
- Prevent pip-tools from injecting indirect requirements.
- Target stable docs version only.
- Fix README not rendered on PyPI.
- Ensure codecov evaluates coverage against payload files only.
- First release on PyPI.