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HaalCentraal Connector


For many years the municipalities in Netherlands depended on system called DDS (data distributie systeem) for querying and delivering Persoons Gegevens (from BRP). Now the shift to Haalcentraal API's retreiving this data from a central location, requires a migration path. This component is meant to deliver a seamless migration path. It offers STuff endpoints for 'legacy' system to query persoons data, but also the native REST api is served. So regardless of the application that is used on a department, it can connect trhough this component to request HaalCentraal BRP data. No more need for a local copy onprem. Additionally, it provides a mechanisme for 'afnemersindicatie', transformed to a subscription model that will deliver the same feauture as DDS did. The only dependancy for that, is that the used BRP application itself can nofitify this component on which BSN has changed data. It only needs the BSN as event, the component will handle the rest. The current implementation serves a webhook endpoint for that event, but its possible to get the bsn (list) in other ways too (txt file, DB transactions). THe best results are achieved when the events can be synchronised with the procudere of delivering BSN data changes to the "landelijke voorziening". Other timings are also fine, but not as fast. For implementing this component, there is also a feature to run in 'shadow' mode. This will help ensuring the produced 'afnemersindicatie' callback message to be in line with the DDS produced ones.

Build configuration from template: npm install node ./tools/templating/brp-personen-bevragen-client/brp-personen-bevragen-client.js

Project Structure







    Contains build-related information.

  • Configuration_BrpPersonenAfnemersIndicatieReceiver.xml
    API endpoint that processes the subscription (add/remove) request.

  • Configuration_BrpPersonenCallbackSender.xml
    Notifies the subscribed applications about the changes in the BRP persons' data, via their callback URLs.

  • Configuration_BrpPersonenNotificationProcessor.xml
    Reads the notification request from the message store and processes it.

    flowchart TD
        A[Receive indication to track BSN] --> B[Wait for 1 hour]
        B --> C[Check data related to BSN]
        C -->|Data changed| D[Notify subscribers]
        C -->|Data not changed| E{Days since start}
        E -->|More than 3 weekdays| I
        E -->|Less than 3 weekdays| G[Schedule check in 24 hours] --> C
        D --> I[End]

Database structure for tasks:

Column Name Data Type Default Value Description
task_id SERIAL N/A Auto-incrementing identifier for the task (Primary Key part 1).
created_at TIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the task was created.
scheduled_start TIMESTAMP CURRENT_TIMESTAMP The timestamp when the task is scheduled to start (default 1 hour after insert).
status CHAR(1) 'P' The current status of the task. ('P' = Pending, other values as needed).
is_retry BOOLEAN FALSE Indicates whether the task is a retry (Boolean value).
message TEXT N/A The message associated with the task, storing the data in JSON or plain text.
  • Configuration_BrpPersonenNotificationReceiver.xml
    API endpoint that places the notification in the message store, receives identifier(s) that specify which person(s) information changed.

  • Configuration_BrpPersonenQuerySender.xml
    Sends a query to the BRP to retrieve the specified person information.

  • Configuration_BrpPersonenSynchronizePersoon.xml Synchronizes the person information with the BRP.

  • Configuration_BrpPersonenUpdateAndNotify
    Updates/enters the person information in the database, if the retrieved person information has changed, or no previous entry was found in the database.

  • Configuration.xml
    Imports the configuration files for the subscription management and processing.

  • Configuration_EndpointRouter.xml
    Routes the incoming requests to the appropriate receivers.

  • Configuration_XmlFileAdapter.xml
    Custom adapter to read local files. Returns XML data if the file contains XML, otherwise tries to convert the file to XML.

  • DatabaseChangelog.xml
    Contains the database liquibase changelog for the subscription management and processing.

    Properties specific to the deployment environment.

  • openapi-haalcentraal-2.1.0.json
    OpenAPI specification for the HaalCentraal 2.1.0 API.

  • Properties specific to the LOC stage.

  • json/

    • DataChangeNotificationSchema.json
    • MappingApplication.json Contains hardcoded information about applications which are allowed to subscribe to persons.
  • jsonnet

    • ApplicationsFilter.jsonnet Used for extracting the application ids from the database.
    • ExtractBody.jsonnet Removes siblings from the body of a javascript response.
    • ExtractDatabaseRows.jsonnet Extracts the data from the rows from a database query.
    • ExtractUpdateBody.jsonnet Extracts the updated body from a javascript response.
    • FilterApplicationsById.jsonnet Retrieve config information for a list of application ids.
  • xsd/
    This directory holds XSD schema files.

  • xsl/
    This directory contains XSL files for XML transformations.

    Directory Structure

    ├── mappingStufToJson.xslt
    ├── mappingJsonToStuf.xslt
    ├── GetInputValues.xslt
    └── fields.xml

    mappingStufToJson.xslt This XSLT file converts Stuf (npsLv01) messages into JSON format for calling the BRP API Personen. The transformation determines the type of search based on the message content. There are five basic search types:

    1. Raadpleeg met burgerservicenummer (Query by citizen service number)
    2. Zoek met geslachtsnaam en geboortedatum (Search by surname and date of birth)
    3. Zoek met geslachtsnaam, voornamen en gemeente van inschrijving (Search by surname, first names, and registered municipality)
    4. Zoek met postcode en huisnummer (Search by postal code and house number)
    5. Zoek met straat, huisnummer en gemeente van inschrijving (Search by street, house number, and registered municipality)

    Additional Notes:

    • For search options i, ii, and iv, sending only the Stuf (npsLv01) message is sufficient.
    • For search options iii and v, the value of gemeenteVanInschrijving must be added to the headers. By default, this value is set to 0518 for testing purposes. If provided in the headers, the default value is overridden.
    • The required fields for each application are determined using the fields.xml file.
    • Based on the type of search, the necessary fields are extracted from the Stuf (npsLv01) message.

    mappingJsonToStuf.xslt This XSLT file converts the JSON response received from the BRP API Personen back into the Stuf (npsLa01) message format.

    Transformation Steps:

    1. Identify Necessary Values:
      • Extract input values using GetInputValues.xslt.
      • These values are used in the stuurgegevens (header data) and to determine the sending application.
    2. Verify Required Fields:
      • Check which fields from Stuf (npsLa01) are present in the input message.
      • Populate the response message using the corresponding fields from the BRP API Personen.
    3. Handling Empty Fields:
      • If a field exists but has no value or the field is not present in the response message, the attribute xsi:nil="true" is set.
      • The attribute StUF:noValue is assigned the value geenWaarde (no value).
      • If the field is not present in the response message, the attribute StUF:noValue is added, taking the value waardeOnbekend (unknown value).

    Directory Structure

    ├── mappingJsonToStuf.xslt
    ├── npsLk01.xml
    ├── ControlDataToContext.xslt
    ├── BuildError.xsl
    ├── BackEndError.xsl
    ├── ParseNegativeHttpResult.xsl    

    mappingStufToJson.xslt This XSLT file is used to create a Stuf (npsLk01) message by placing person information into the appropriate fields based on the message format in npsLk01.xml.

    • If a field exists but has no value or is not present in the response message, the attribute xsi:nil="true" is set.
    • The attribute StUF:noValue is assigned the value geenWaarde (no value).
    • If the field is not present in the response message, the attribute StUF:noValue is added with the value waardeOnbekend (unknown value).

    Error Handling

    The following XSL files are used to generate error messages in case of errors:

  • BuildError.xsl

  • BackEndError.xsl

  • ParseNegativeHttpResult.xsl