- Packages on NuGet are virus scanned by the NuGet site.
- This package is widely used and is actively maintained.
- It is open source.
Package | Source Code | Version | License | Purpose | Additional Risk Assessment |
HIC.BadMedicine | GitHub | 1.0.0 | GPL 3.0 | Handles generating baseline random data (patient date of birth, CHI numberts etc) | |
fo-dicom.NetCore | GitHub | 4.0.7 | MS-PL | Handles reading/writing dicom tags from dicom datasets | |
Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub | GitHub | 1.0.0 | Apache License 2.0 | Enables source debugging of project nuget package | |
Microsoft.NETCore.App | GitHub | 2.2.8 | MIT | .Net Core API | |
System.Drawing.Common | GitHub | 5.0.1 | MIT | Enables working with Bitmap resources | |
HIC.DicomTypeTranslation | GitHub | 2.3.2 | GPL 3.0 | ||
YamlDotNet | GitHub | 9.1.4 | MIT | Loading configuration files | |
CommandLineParser | GitHub | 2.8.0 | MIT | Allows command line arguments for main client application and CLI executables | |
Nunit | GitHub | 3.13.1 | MIT | Unit testing | |
NUnit3TestAdapter | GitHub | 3.17.0 | MIT | Run unit tests from within Visual Studio | |
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk | GitHub | 16.9.1 | MIT | Run unit tests | |
NunitXml.TestLogger | GitHub | 3.0.91 | MIT | Report test results in XML syntax | |
XunitXml.TestLogger | GitHub | 3.0.62 | MIT | Report test results in XML syntax |