Alice->>DNS Server: (1) Execute DNS Discovery
DNS Server-->>Alice: (2) Bob's connection details (UDP + TCP)
activate Alice
Alice->>Bob: (3) Execute Discv5 over UDP
Bob-->>Alice: (4) ENRs (UDP + TCP): Carol, David, Erin
Alice->>Alice: (5) Decode ENRs
Alice->>Carol: (6) Execute Discv5 over UDP
Carol-->>Alice: (7) ENRs (UDP + TCP): Frank, Gwen, Harry
Alice->>Alice: (8) Decode ENRs
deactivate Alice
Alice->>Alice: (9) Select peers to dial
Alice->>David: (10) Libp2p dial (TCP)
Alice->>Frank: (10) Libp2p dial (TCP)
Alice->>Gwen: (10) Libp2p dial (TCP)
- DNS Discovery protocol is executed.
- Alice retrieves Bob's ENR (Ethereum Node Record) from DNS Server.
- Alice executes the Discv5 protocol with Bob using UDP connection details from ENR.
- Bob returns Carol's, David's and Erin's ENRs to Alice.
- Alice decodes ENRs and extracts the details of Carol, David, and Erin's TCP and UDP connections.
- Alice executes the Discv5 protocol with Carol using UDP connection details from ENR.
- Carol returns Frank's, Gwen's and Harry's ENRs to Alice.
- Alice decodes ENRs and extracts Frank's, Gwen's and Harry's TCP and UDP connection details.
- Alice selects to dial David, Frank and Gwen.
- Alice dials David, Frank and Gwen over libp2p using TCP connection details from ENRs.