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File metadata and controls

414 lines (309 loc) · 13.8 KB



Typesafe React hooks for seamless ink! smart contract interactions, powered by Dedot!

Version Unit test E2E test License Chat on Telegram


  • Fully typesafe react hooks at contract messages & events level
  • Choose your favorite wallet connector (Built-in Typink Connector, SubConnect, Talisman Connect, or build your own connector ...)
  • Start a new project from scratch easily with create-typink cli.
  • Support multiple networks, lazily initialize when in-use.
  • ... and more to come

Quick look


Getting started

# via npm
npm i typink dedot

# via yarn
yarn add typink dedot

# via pnpm
pnpm add typink dedot

Typink heavily uses Typescript to enable & ensure type-safety, so we recommend using Typescript for your Dapp project. Typink will also work with plain Javascript, but you don't get the auto-completion & suggestions when interacting with your ink! contracts.

Start a new project from scratch

Generate new project via create-typink cli

Typink comes with a cli to help you start a new project from scratch faster & easier, to create a new project, run the below command:

npx create-typink@latest


The create-typink cli requires NodeJS version >= v20 to work properly, make sure to check your NodeJS version.

Following the instructions, the cli will help you generate a starter & working project ready for you to start integrate your own contracts and build your own logic:

After initialize the project, you can now spin up the development server with the following command:
cd my-ink-dapp # project folder

yarn start


Please note that yarn is the current default package manager for the start project, make sure to install yarn on your machine to streamline the development process.

Project folder structure

  • contracts: ink! contract artifacts & generated types
    • contracts/artifacts: ink! contract artifacts (.wasm, .json or .contract file)
    • contracts/types: Typescript bindings for each ink! contract, these can be generated through dedot cli
  • ui: Main UI project, a React-based client

Configure your project

1. Deploy your contracts and setup contract deployments

Typink needs to know your contract deployments information (address, metadata, ...) to help you do the magic under the hood.

The ContractDeployment interface have the following structure:

export interface ContractDeployment {
  id: string; // A unique easy-to-remember contract id, recommened put them in an enum
  metadata: ContractMetadata | string; // Metadata for the contract
  address: SubstrateAddress; // Address of the contract
  network: string; // The network id that the contract is deployed to, e.g: Pop Testnet (pop_testnet), Aleph Zero Testnet (alephzero_testnet) ...

Put these information in a separate file (e.g: deployments.ts) so you can easily manage it.

// deployments.ts

import { ContractDeployment, popTestnet } from 'typink';
import greeterMetadata from './greeter.json';
import psp22Metadata from './psp22.json';

export enum ContractId {
  GREETER = 'greeter',
  PSP22 = 'psp22',

export const deployments = [
    id: ContractId.GREETER,
    metadata: greeterMetadata,
    address: '5HJ2XLhBuoLkoJT5G2MfMWVpsybUtcqRGWe29Fo26JVvDCZG',
    id: ContractId.PSP22,
    metadata: psp22Metadata as any,
    address: '16119BccKAfWwbt4TCNvfLBDuRWHSeFozJELEcxFPVd11hnt',

2. Generate Typescript bindings (types) for your ink! contracts from the metadata

Now, you'll need to generate the Typescript bindings for your ink! contracts using dedot cli. The types generated at this step will help enable the auto-completion & suggestions for your react hooks when interact with the contracts.

We recommend putting these types in a ./contracts/types folder. Let's generate types for your greeter & psp22 token contracts

npx dedot typink -m ./greeter.json -o ./contracts/types

npx dedot typink -m ./psp22.json -o ./contracts/types

After running the commands, the types will generated into the ./contracts/types folder. You'll get the top-level type interface for greeter & psp22 contracts as: GreeterContractApi and Psp22ContractApi.


It's a good practice to put these commands to a shortcut script in th package.json file so you can easily regenerate these types again whenver you update the metadata for your contracts

   // ...
   "scripts": {
      "typink": "npx dedot typink -m ./greeter.json -o ./contracts/types && npx dedot typink -m ./psp22.json -o ./contracts/types"
   // ...

To regenerate the types again:

npm run typink

# or
yarn typink

# or
pnpm typink

3. Setup your React application

Wrap your application component with TypinkProvider.

import { popTestnet, development } from 'typink'
import { deployments } from './deployments';

// a default caller address when interact with ink! contract if there is no wallet is connected
const DEFAULT_CALLER = '5xxx...' 

const SUPPORTED_NETWORKS = [popTestnet]; // alephZeroTestnet, ...
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') {

  <MyAppComponent ... />

If you're using an external wallet connector like SubConnect or Talisman Connect, you will need to pass into the TypinkProvider 2 more props: connectedAccount (InjectedAccouunt) & signer (Signer) so Typink knows which account & signer to interact with the ink! contracts.

const { connectedAccount, signer } = ... // from subconnect or talisman-connect ...

  <MyAppComponent ... />

Providers & Hooks


  • TypinkProvider: A global provider for Typink DApps, it managed shared state internally so hooks and child components can access (accounts, signer, wallet connection, Dedot clients, contract deployments ...)


  • useTypink: Give access to internal shared state managed by TypinkProvider giving access to connected account, signer, clients, contract deployments ...
  • useBalance, useBalances: Fetch native Substrate balances of an address or list of addresses, helpful for checking if the account has enough fund to making transactions
  • useRawContract: Create & manage Contract instance given its metadata & address
  • useContract: Create & manage Contract instance given its unique id from the registered contract deployments
  • useContractTx: Provides functionality to sign and send transactions to a smart contract, and tracks the progress of the transaction.
  • useContractQuery: Help making a contract query
  • useDeployer: Create & manage ContractDeployer instance given its unique id from the registered contract deployments
  • useDeployerTx: Similar to useContractTx, this hook provides functionality to sign and send transactions to deploy a smart contract, and tracks the progress of the transaction.
  • useWatchContractEvent: Help watch for a specific contract event and perform a specific action
  • usePSP22Balance: Fetch balance of an address from a PSP22 contract with ability to watch for balance changing


  • formatBalance: Format a balance value to a human-readable string



Access various shared states via useTypink

// ...
const { 
  accounts, // list available accounts connected from the wallet
  connectedAccount, // connected account to interact with contracts & networks
  network, // current connected network info
  client, // Dedot clients to interact with network
  deployments, // contract deployments
  connectedWallet, // connected wallet
  connectWallet, // func to connect to a wallet given its id
  disconnect, // func to sign out and disconnect from the wallet
  wallets, // available wallets
} = useTypink();
// ...

useContract & useContractQuery

Instantiate a Greeter Contract instance using useContract and fetching the greet message using useContractQuery

// ...
import { GreeterContractApi } from '@/contracts/types/greeter';

const { contract } = useContract<GreeterContractApi>(ContractId.GREETER);

const {
  data: greet,
} = useContractQuery({
  fn: 'greet',
// ...


Send a message to update the greeting message using useContractTx

// ...
import { GreeterContractApi } from '@/contracts/types/greeter';

const [message, setMessage] = useState('');
const { contract } = useContract<GreeterContractApi>(ContractId.GREETER);
const setMessageTx = useContractTx(contract, 'setMessage');

const doSetMessage = async () => {
  if (!contract || !message) return;

  try {
    await setMessageTx.signAndSend({
      args: [message],
      callback: ({ status }) => {

        if (status.type === 'BestChainBlockIncluded') {
          setMessage(''); // Reset the message if the transaction is in block

        // TODO showing a toast notifying transaction status
  } catch (e: any) {
    console.error('Fail to make transaction:', e);
    // TODO showing a toast message
// ...

useDeployer & useDeployerTx

Instantiate a ContractDeployer instance to deploy Greeter contract using useDeployer and deploying the contract using useDeployerTx

// ...

import { greeterMetadata } from '@/contracts/deployments.ts';

const wasm = greeterMetadata.source.wasm; // or greeterMetadata.source.hash (wasm hash code)
const { deployer } = useDeployer<GreeterContractApi>(greeterMetadata as any, wasm);
const newGreeterTx = useDeployerTx(deployer, 'new');
const [initMessage, setInitMessage] = useState<string>('');

const deployContraact = async () => {
  if (!contract || !initMessage) return;

  try {
    // a random salt to make sure we don't get into duplicated contract deployments issue
    const salt = numberToHex(; 
    await newGreeterTx.signAndSend({
      args: [initMessage],
      txOptions: { salt },
      callback: ({ status }, deployedContractAddress) => {

        if (status.type === 'BestChainBlockIncluded') {

        if (deployedContractAddress) {
          console.log('Contract is deployed at address', deployedContractAddress);

        // TODO showing a toast notifying transaction status
  } catch (e: any) {
    console.error('Fail to make transaction:', e);
    // TODO showing a toast message

// ...


Watching for the Greeted event emitted

// ...
const { contract } = useContract<GreeterContractApi>(ContractId.GREETER);

  'Greeted', // fully-typed event name with auto-completion
  useCallback((events) => {
    events.forEach((greetedEvent) => {
      const {
        data: { from, message },
      } = greetedEvent; // fully-typed events

      console.log(`Found a ${name} event sent from: ${from?.address()}, message: ${message}`);
  }, []),
// ...


Format a balance value to a human-readable string

import { popTestnet } from 'typink';

formatBalance(1e12, popTestnet); // 100 PAS





Funded by W3F