| 1 | +gem 'webpacker', '~> 3.x' |
| 2 | +gem 'vueonrails', '~> 0.x' |
| 3 | +route "mount Vueonrails::Engine, at: 'vue'" |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +# Use --bootstrap to add bootstrap style with jquery. Read more https://getbootstrap.com |
| 6 | +# Read more about the full options of this application template, please go to github.com/vueonrails/vueonrails |
| 7 | +if ARGV.include? "--bootstrap" |
| 8 | + gem 'bootstrap', '~> 4.1.3' |
| 9 | + gem 'jquery-rails' |
| 10 | +end |
| 11 | + |
| 12 | +# Use --foundation to add foundation style. Read more https://foundation.zurb.com |
| 13 | +# Read more about the full options of this application template, please go to github.com/vueonrails/vueonrails |
| 14 | +if ARGV.include? "--foundation" |
| 15 | + gem 'foundation-rails' |
| 16 | + gem 'autoprefixer-rails' |
| 17 | +end |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +# Add font-awesome fonts |
| 20 | +if ARGV.include? "--fontawesome" |
| 21 | + gem "font-awesome-rails" |
| 22 | +end |
| 23 | + |
| 24 | +# Add live-reloading to refresh Rails view https://github.com/guard/guard-livereload |
| 25 | +if ARGV.include? "--livereload" |
| 26 | + gem_group :development do |
| 27 | + gem 'guard' |
| 28 | + gem 'guard-livereload', '~> 2.5', require: false |
| 29 | + end |
| 30 | +end |
| 31 | + |
| 32 | +# Add whenever for automating cron jobs. Read more https://github.com/javan/whenever |
| 33 | +if ARGV.include? "--whenever" |
| 34 | + gem 'whenever', require: false |
| 35 | +end |
| 36 | + |
| 37 | +# Use --devise to add Devise. Read more https://github.com/plataformatec/devise |
| 38 | +# Read more about the full options of this application template, please go to http://github.com/vueonrails/vueonrails |
| 39 | +if ARGV.include? "--devise" |
| 40 | + gem 'devise', '~> 4.4', '>= 4.4.3' |
| 41 | +end |
| 42 | + |
| 43 | +# Use --admin to add Administrate as your administrative manager. Read more https://github.com/thoughtbot/administrate |
| 44 | +if ARGV.include? "--admin" |
| 45 | + gem 'administrate' |
| 46 | +end |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +# Use --sidekiq to add Sidekiq as your background processor. Read more https://github.com/mperham/sidekiq |
| 49 | +if ARGV.include? "--sidekiq" |
| 50 | + gem 'sidekiq' |
| 51 | +end |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +run 'bundle install' |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | +unless ARGV.include? "--no-page" |
| 56 | + generate(:scaffold, 'page') |
| 57 | + route "root to: 'pages#index'" |
| 58 | +end |
| 59 | + |
| 60 | +rails_command 'db:create' |
| 61 | +rails_command 'db:migrate' |
| 62 | +rails_command 'webpacker:install' |
| 63 | +rails_command 'webpacker:install:vue' |
| 64 | + |
| 65 | +# Vue on Rails setup to install Vue dependencies, Vue component generators |
| 66 | +# Configuration and Jest dependencies. Read more http://github.com/vueonrails/vueonrails |
| 67 | +rails_command 'vue:setup' |
| 68 | + |
| 69 | +# Gem setup after bundle install |
| 70 | +if ARGV.include? "--foundation" |
| 71 | + rails_command 'generate foundation:install' |
| 72 | +end |
| 73 | + |
| 74 | +# Init livereload |
| 75 | +if ARGV.include? "--livereload" |
| 76 | + run "guard init livereload" |
| 77 | +end |
| 78 | + |
| 79 | +# Finish the fontawesome setup |
| 80 | +if ARGV.include? "--fontawesome" |
| 81 | + fontawesome = <<-eos |
| 82 | + *= require font-awesome |
| 83 | + eos |
| 84 | + insert_into_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", |
| 85 | + fontawesome, before: " *= require_self" |
| 86 | +end |
| 87 | + |
| 88 | +# Finish the bootstrap setup |
| 89 | +if ARGV.include? "--bootstrap" |
| 90 | + run "mv app/assets/stylesheets/application.css app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss" |
| 91 | + |
| 92 | + bootstrapcss = <<-eos |
| 93 | + @import "bootstrap"; |
| 94 | + eos |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | + insert_into_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.scss", |
| 97 | + bootstrapcss, after: " */\n" |
| 98 | + |
| 99 | + bootstrap = <<-eos |
| 100 | + //= require jquery3 |
| 101 | + //= require bootstrap-sprockets |
| 102 | + eos |
| 103 | + |
| 104 | + insert_into_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", |
| 105 | + bootstrap, before: "//= require_tree ." |
| 106 | +end |
| 107 | + |
| 108 | +# Finish the administrate setup. |
| 109 | +if ARGV.include? "--admin" |
| 110 | + rails_command 'generate administrate:install' |
| 111 | +end |
| 112 | + |
| 113 | +# Finish the whenever gem setup. |
| 114 | +if ARGV.include? "--whenever" |
| 115 | + run "wheneverize ." |
| 116 | +end |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | +# Finish the devise installation. |
| 119 | +if ARGV.include? "--devise" |
| 120 | + rails_command "generate devise:install" |
| 121 | +end |
| 122 | + |
| 123 | +# Generate your first git commit message. |
| 124 | +git add: "." |
| 125 | +git commit: %Q{ -m 'First commit' } |
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