issues Search Results · repo:vuejs/vue-touch language:JavaScript
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invuejs/vue-touch (press backspace or delete to remove)v-touch tag= button :disabled= true @tap= trigger /v-touch
this suppose to disabled all event that binds to the element. however it still trigger.
- Opened on Dec 16, 2018
- #131
Hi, is it possible to just listen for a swipe up or a swipe down to happen? When I’m using v-touch swipeup it prevents
the ability to scroll down the page. Is there a way to not prevent the default scrolling/swipe ...
- Opened on Dec 4, 2018
- #130
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:33) You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type. module.exports
= function Hammer { | console.log(`[vue-touch] Your should never see this message. ...
- Opened on Nov 23, 2018
- #129
Are there any intentions of adding typescript support for this project?
- 1
- Opened on Oct 31, 2018
- #128
- Opened on Oct 17, 2018
- #127
- Opened on Sep 26, 2018
- #126
Having followed the installation instructions religiously, and read many, many posts online, I still can t figure out
how to register vue-touch as a component with Nuxt. Can anyone help me out please? ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 21, 2018
- #125
I want to use the currentPage variable of vue-carousel. Or I want to use the goToPage () method of Carousel.vue. Can I
return the index of the current slider, or can I use a method to move it to the desired ...
- Opened on Jul 3, 2018
- #124
Hi, just wondering, is this project still active? Especially the Vue2 (next) Branch? We are considering using this lib
for a enterprise project, but as there where no commits or any other activity for ...
- 2
- Opened on May 23, 2018
- #123
Nuxt captures the Window variable is not defined, can you handle this problem?
- Opened on Apr 26, 2018
- #121

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