For this workshop you MUST have the following:
- VsCode
- Python 3.10 (Install Python 3.10.0 from here)
- A virtual environment tool (venv)
- An Azure account
- An active Azure OpenAI account with 2 deployed models see below
OpenAI subscription and deployments. Skip to the next section if you already have an Azure OpenAI account with the following deployments.
- Create an Azure OpenAI account
- Create 'gpt-35-turbo', gpt-35-turbo-instruct, 'text-embedding-ada-002' deployments
create a folder in your local machine called azure-openai
cd into the folder
run the following command:
git clone
Note that you must git / github desktop installed on your machine. If you don't have it installed you can download it from here
cd into the openaiworkshop folder, here you will find all the sources for the workshop
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Install Python 3.10
- Install the Python extension for VsCode
- Install the Jupyter notebooks extension for VsCode
- In Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), select Python: Create Virtual Environment
- Select: Venv Create a .venv virtual environment..
- Select the interpreter/kernel: Python 3.10
Installation To install virtualenv via pip run: $ pip3 install virtualenv
Creation of virtualenv:
- Windows $ python -m virtualenv venv (in the openAI workshop directory)
- Mac $ virtualenv -p python3
Activate the virtualenv: $ source /bin/activate
Deactivate the virtualenv: $ deactivate
Open New Terminal in VsCode and run:
- $ pip install -r requirements.txt
Make sure you are in the openaiworkshop folder the project root folder
Windows users: If you encouner this error when opening a new terminal: venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. Then do following actions as described in this link
- If you have proxy issues, when running pip install, then run the following command to bypasas the proxy:
set http_proxy = http://<proxy>:8080 set https_proxy = https://<proxy>:8080 or in the code: os.environ['HTTP_PROXY'] = proxy os.environ['HTTPS_PROXY'] = proxy
Insert your subscription ID in the file createAll.ps1 and save it.
$SubscriptionId = "<your subscription here>"
Insert a name for your sql server in the file deployAll.bicep and save it
param serverName string = '<sql server name>'
This powershell script will create:
- A resourcegroup called openai-workshop
- An Azure SQL server called with an AdventureWorks DB
Go to the azure portal and login with a user that has administrator permissions
Upload the files in the scripts folder: "createAll.ps1" and "deployAll.bicep" ONE BY ONE by using the upload file button in the cloud shell
Run ./createAll.ps1
NOTE: This takes time so be patient You should get an Azure SQL server with a DB called aworks
- Rename the '.env.template' file to '.env' and modify all the endpoints and api keys for all openai deployments as follows:
OPENAI_DEPLOYMENT_ENDPOINT ="<your openai endpoint>"
OPENAI_API_KEY = "<your openai api key>"
#Model for Completion API
SQL_SERVER="<your sql server>"