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File metadata and controls

67 lines (53 loc) · 3.1 KB


This benchmark implements a map-reduce process whereby a Driver function orchestrates a number of Mapper instances which upload their results to an s3 bucket, after which point the driver then calls a number of Reducer instances which read and reduce the values from the previous mapper buckets into a final set of reduced buckets.

This benchmark relies on s3 for sharing input and output, and so inline transfer is not supported.

Running this Benchmark using knative

  1. First create a kubectl secret from your AWS Account's AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY. These secrets will then be passed to the service in the knative manifests. There are many ways of creating the secret. Example:

    kubectl create secret generic awscreds \
    		--from-literal=awsaccess=${AWS_ACCESS_KEY} \
  2. Deploy the necessary functions using the kn_deploy script.

    ../../tools/ ./knative_yamls/s3/*

    Any sub-folder in the knative_yamls directory can be used, and all of the manifests therein must be deployed.

    s3 contains manifests configured to use s3 for file transfer, with tracing disabled. The functions deployed using this set of manifests will have TRANSFER_TYPE set to S3.

  3. Invoke the benchmark. The interface function of this benchmark is named driver. It can be invoked using the invoker or our test client, as described in the running benchmarks document.


Number of instances per function in a stable flow:

Function Instances Is Configurable
Driver 1 No
Mapper 8 Yes - Set NUM_MAPPERS in Driver and match scale in knative manifest. can't be more than 2215
Reducer 2 Yes - Set NUM_REDUCERS in Driver and match scale in knative manifest. Must be power of 2 and smaller than NUM_MAPPERS



  • mAddr - The address of the Mapper
  • rAddr - The address of the Reducer
  • sp - The port to which the driver will listen (which is used for invokation)
  • zipkin - Address of the zipkin span collector

Environment Variables

  • TRANSFER_TYPE - The transfer type to use. Can be INLINE (default), S3, or XDT. Not all benchmarks support all transfer types.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY, AWS_SECRET_KEY, AWS_REGION - Standard s3 keys, only needed if the s3 transfer type is used
  • ENABLE_TRACING - Toggles tracing.
  • NUM_MAPPERS - Sets the number of mappers to use. can't be more than 2215. Has to match the number of instances of the mapper in knative, as defined with min/max scale settings in the manifest.
  • NUM_REDUCERS - Sets the number of reducers to use. Must be power of 2 and smaller than NUM_MAPPERS. Has to match the number of instances of the reducer in knative, as defined with min/max scale settings in the manifest.