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Smooth Extensible Slider

Tiny real smooth fast cool all events and evenn more responsive bring your own tooling slider. Framework agnostic but it's a you problem.

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Docs (Core)

The Core class is a flexible and performant slider/carousel implementation that supports infinite scrolling, snapping, touch interactions, and parallax effects.


pnpm i smooothy
// core only
import Core from "smooothy"

// with utilities
import Core, { damp } from "smooothy"


<div class="slider-wrapper">
  <div class="slide">Slide 1</div>
  <div class="slide">Slide 2</div>
  <div class="slide">Slide 3</div>


[data-slider] {
  display: flex;

[data-slider] > * {
  flex-shrink: 0;
  width: <number [unit]>;
  padding-right: 1rem; /* If you want gaps */
  padding-left: 1rem; /* If you want gaps */


// Create a new slider instance
const slider = new Core(document.querySelector("[data-slider]"))

// Update the slider (typically in an animation loop)
function animate() {

// Clean up when done
// slider.destroy()


Really Really Really Basic Usage

// Create a new slider instance
const slider = new Core(wrapperElement, {
  infinite: true,
  snap: true,

// Update the slider (typically in an animation loop)
function animate() {

// Clean up when done

Smarter Usage

Can be used as just the Core, but the idea and the way it's made is to be extended. Here's some extending ideas/premade sliders.

// import slider
import Core from "smooothy"
// or whatever just using GSAP for request animation frame
import gsap from "../gsap"

export class Slider extends Core {
  constructor(wrapper, config) {
    super({ wrapper, config })

    // create your UI / do whatever
    // ...

  doSomething() {
    // add your custom methods

Most of those can be exported directly from the package, but if you want to combine functionality you might want to just look at source.

Configuration Options

The slider accepts the following configuration options:

Option Type Default Description
infinite boolean true Enables infinite looping of slides
snap boolean true Enables snapping to slide positions
dragSensitivity number 0.005 Multiplier for drag movement sensitivity
lerpFactor number 0.3 Controls the smoothness of animations (lower = smoother)
scrollSensitivity number 1 Multiplier for scroll wheel sensitivity
snapStrength number 0.1 How strongly the slider snaps to positions
speedDecay number 0.85 How quickly the sliding speed decays
bounceLimit number 1 Maximum overscroll amount when infinite is false
scrollInput boolean false Enables mouse wheel/trackpad scrolling
setOffset function ({itemWidth, wrapperWidth}) => itemWidth Custom function to set slide end offset
virtualScroll object See below Configuration for virtual scroll behavior
onSlideChange function null Callback when active slide changes
onResize function null Callback when slider is resized
onUpdate function null Callback on each update frame

Virtual Scroll Configuration

To handle scroll and trackpad events uses virtualScroll under the hood. The virtualScroll config option accepts an object with the following properties:

Option Type Default Description
mouseMultiplier number 0.5 Multiplier for mouse wheel sensitivity
touchMultiplier number 2 Multiplier for touch scroll sensitivity
firefoxMultiplier number 30 Firefox-specific scroll multiplier
useKeyboard boolean false Enable keyboard scroll input
passive boolean true Use passive event listeners
const slider = new Core(wrapper, {
  virtualScroll: {
    mouseMultiplier: 0.75,
    touchMultiplier: 1.5,



slider.goToNext() // Go to next slide
slider.goToPrev() // Go to previous slide
slider.goToIndex(n) // Go to specific slide index

State Control

slider.init() // Initialize the slider
slider.kill() // Temporarily disable the slider
slider.destroy() // Clean up event listeners and remove slider
slider.paused = true // Pause slider interactions
slider.paused = false // Unpause slider interactions
slider.snap = true // Snaps slide in place
slider.snap = false // Allows free scroll

State Queries / Setters

slider.currentSlide // Get current slide index
slider.progress // Get slider progress (0-1) // Get target position / Set slider target
slider.current // Get current position / Set slider current
slider.deltaTime // Get time elapsed since last update (in seconds)
slider.viewport // Get viewport dimensions
slider.viewport.itemWidth // Size of a single slide
slider.viewport.wrapperWidth // Size of the wrapper
slider.viewport.totalWidth // Size of the scrollable width
slider.isVisible // Boolean if the slider is in view or not

Target and Current can be used as setters as well. Setting target will make the slider lerp to that position, setting current will make it move instantly. Setting both is what you should do if you want to move it instantly to a specific position. = 5 // Lerp to slide 5
slider.current = = 5 // Instantly move to slide 5

The deltaTime property is particularly useful when implementing custom animations in the onUpdate callback:

// Example: Creating a speed-based parallax effect
class ParallaxSlider extends Core {
  lerpedSpeed = 0  // Smoothed speed value

  onUpdate({ speed, deltaTime, parallaxValues }) {
    // Smooth out the speed using deltaTime
    this.lerpedSpeed = damp(
      5,  // Damping factor

    // Apply parallax based on smoothed speed
    myElement.forEach((element, i) => {
      const offset = parallaxValues[i] * Math.abs(this.lerpedSpeed) * 20 = `translateX(${offset}%)`

HTML Structure

The slider expects a wrapper element containing slide elements:

<div class="slider-wrapper">
  <div class="slide">Slide 1</div>
  <div class="slide">Slide 2</div>
  <div class="slide">Slide 3</div>

Everything that's inside the container is going to be treated as slide, so only slides should go in.

CSS and Styling

It's made to be styled/configured as much as possible from CSS directly. Position things as you wish to start directly in CSS, then add the slider. Use the setOffset callback in params as an aid for when it should end in case it's not infinite.

Assuming the slider is marked with [data-slider], you'll probably want at least the following css to be applied.

[data-slider] {
  display: flex;

[data-slider] > * {
  flex-shrink: 0
  width: <number [unit]>

⚡️ CSS Gotcha — To keep it as lignhtweight as possible it does not support gaps. If you want gaps use full width slides as the first child, apply padding to those (1/2 of the gap), and have the actual slide inside so you'll get the spacing you want. Voilà.

Effects / Utils


The slider provides parallaxValues in the onUpdate callback that can be used to create parallax effects:

class ParallaxSlider extends Core {
  constructor(wrapper, config) {
    super(wrapper, config)
    this.parallaxElements = [...wrapper.querySelectorAll('.parallax')]

  onUpdate({ parallaxValues }) {
    // parallaxValues provides normalized position values for each slide
    this.parallaxElements.forEach((element, i) => {
      const offset = parallaxValues[i] * 20 // Multiply for stronger effect = `translateX(${offset}%)`

Event Callbacks

const slider = new Core(wrapper, {
  onSlideChange: (currentSlide, previousSlide) => {
    console.log(`Moved from slide ${previousSlide} to ${currentSlide}`)
  onResize: instance => {
    console.log("Slider was resized")
  onUpdate: instance => {
    console.log("Slider updated")

This does the bare minimum, well, and provides ways to extend it and make it into what you need. Callbacks a way to extend the functionality, here's some useful examples.

Touch and Mouse Interaction

The slider automatically handles:

  • Mouse drag interactions
  • Touch swipes with horizontal/vertical detection
  • Momentum-based sliding
  • Bounce effects (when infinite: false)
  • Snap behavior (when snap: true)

Responsive Behavior

The slider automatically recalculates dimensions on window resize. You can customize the offset behavior using the setOffset config option:

const slider = new Core(wrapper, {
  setOffset: ({ itemWidth, wrapperWidth }) => {
    return wrapperWidth / 2 // Center the active slide


Always call destroy() when removing the slider to clean up event listeners:


Premade Options

import Core, { LinkSlider, ... } from "smooothy"
Name Description
Core Base slider with core functionality
KeyboardSlider Adds keyboard controls (arrows, spacebar, numpad)
LinkSlider Handles link clicks within slides
ControlSlider Full UI controls interface 1

(1) Needs matching HTML setup


Made this because all other slider were mostly syncing bad with WebGl.

In depth webgl related docs.

Smooothy in use.

Siena Film Foundation by Niccolò Miranda Federico Valla Carolina Hernando



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