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226 lines (175 loc) · 23.6 KB

File metadata and controls

226 lines (175 loc) · 23.6 KB

Table of contents

Class: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocation

ResourceLocation Class The representation of a location

Visibility Function
public __construct(string $name, string/null $path=null) : void
public getName() : string
public getPath() : string
public setName(string $name) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setPath(string $path=null) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static

This class implements \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface

Interface: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface

ResourceLocationInterface Interface

Visibility Function
public getName() : string
public getPath() : string
public setName(string $name) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setPath(string $path=null) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static

Class: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStream

ResourceStream Class The representation of a stream

Visibility Function
public __construct(string $scheme, string $prefix='', string $path=null, bool $shared=false) : void
public getPath() : string
public getPrefix() : string
public getScheme() : string
public isShared() : bool
public setPath(string $path) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setPrefix(string $prefix) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setScheme(string $scheme) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setShared(bool $shared) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static

This class implements \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface

Interface: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocatorInterface

ResourceLocatorInterface Class

Visibility Function
public addLocation(\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface $location) : void
Add an existing RessourceLocation instance to the location list
public addStream(\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface $stream) : void
Add an exisitng ResourceStream to the stream list
public getBasePath() : string
public getLocation(string $name) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface
Get a location instance based on it's name
public getLocations() : array
Get a a list of all registered locations
public getResource(string $uri, bool $first=false) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\resource
Return a resource instance
public getResources(string $uri, bool $all=false) : array Array of Resource
Return a list of resources instances
public getStream(string $scheme) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface
public getStreams() : array
public listLocations() : array An array of registered name => location
Return a list of all the locations registered by name
public listResources(string $uri, bool $all=false) : array The ressources list
List all ressources found at a given uri.
public listStreams() : array An array of registered scheme => location
Return a list of all the stream scheme registered
public locationExist(string $name) : bool
Returns true if a location has been defined
public registerLocation(string $name, string $path=null) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Register a new location
public registerStream(string $scheme, string $prefix='', string/array/null $paths=null, bool $shared=false) : void
Register a new stream
public removeLocation(string $name) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Unregister the specified location
public removeStream(string $scheme) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Unregister the specified stream
public schemeExists(string $scheme) : bool
Returns true if a stream has been defined

This class implements \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ResourceLocator\ResourceLocatorInterface

Interface: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceInterface

Resource Interface

Visibility Function
public getAbsolutePath() : string
public getBasePath() : string
Get the resource base path, aka the path that comes after the ://.
public getBasename() : string
Extract the trailing name component (test.txt -> test.txt)
public getExtension() : string
Extract the resource extension (test.txt -> txt)
public getFilename() : string
Extract the resource filename (test.txt -> test)
public getLocation() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface
public getLocatorBasePath() : string
public getPath() : string
public getSeparator() : string
public getStream() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStream
public getUri() : string
Get Resource URI
public setLocatorBasePath(string $locatorBasePath) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setSeparator(string $separator) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static

Class: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\Resource

Resource Class Resources are used to represent a file with info regarding the stream and Location used to find it. When a resource is created, we save the stream used to find it, the location where it was found, and the absolute and relative paths of the file. Using this information, we can later rebuilt the URI used to find this file. Since the full path will contains the relative location of the stream and location inside the filesystem, this information will be removed to recrete the relative 'basepath' of the file, allowing the recreatation of the uri (scheme://basePath).

Visibility Function
public __construct(\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface $stream, \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface/null/\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface $location=null, string $path, string $locatorBasePath='') : void
public __toString() : string The resource absolute path
Magic function to convert the class into the resource absolute path
public getAbsolutePath() : string
public getBasePath() : string
Get the resource base path, aka the path that comes after the ://. To to this, we use the relative path and remove the stream and location base path. For example, a stream with a base path of data/foo/, will return a relative path for every resource it find as data/foo/filename.txt. So we want to remove the data/foo/ part to keep only the filename.txt part, aka the part after the :// in the URI. Same goes for the location part, which comes before the stream: locations/locationA/data/foo
public getBasename() : string
Extract the trailing name component (test.txt -> test.txt)
public getExtension() : string
Extract the resource extension (test.txt -> txt)
public getFilename() : string
Extract the resource filename (test.txt -> test)
public getLocation() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface
public getLocatorBasePath() : string
public getPath() : string
public getSeparator() : string
public getStream() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface
public getUri() : string
Get Resource URI Also adds the prefix stream prefix if it existprefix.
public setLocatorBasePath(string $locatorBasePath) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setSeparator(string $separator) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static

This class implements \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceInterface

Class: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocator

ResourceLocator Class The locator is used to find resources.

Visibility Function
public __construct(string/string/null $basePath='') : void
public __invoke(string $uri) : string/bool
public addLocation(\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface $location) : void
Add an existing RessourceLocation instance to the location list
public addPath(string $scheme, string $prefix, string/array $paths, bool/bool/string $override=false, bool $force=false) : void
AddPath function. Used to preserve compatibility with RocketTheme/Toolbox
public addStream(\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface $stream) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Add an exisitng ResourceStream to the stream list
public findResource(string $uri, bool $absolute=true, bool $first=false) : string The ressource path
Find highest priority instance from a resource. Return the path for said resource For example, if looking for a test.json ressource, only the top priority instance of test.json found will be returned.
public findResources(string $uri, bool $absolute=true, bool $all=false) : array[string] An array of all the ressources path
Find all instances from a resource. Return an array of paths for said resource For example, if looking for a test.json ressource, all instance of test.json found will be listed.
public getBasePath() : string
public getLocation(string $name) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocationInterface
Get a location instance based on it's name
public getLocations() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\array[ResourceLocationInterface]
Get a a list of all registered locations
public getResource(string $uri, bool $first=false) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceInterface
Return a resource instance
public getResources(string $uri, bool $all=false) : array[ResourceInterface] Array of Resource
Return a list of resources instances
public getStream(string $scheme) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface
public getStreamBuilder() : \RocketTheme\Toolbox\StreamWrapper\StreamBuilder
public getStreams() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\array[ResourceStreamInterface]
public isStream(string $uri) : bool True if is resolvable
Returns true if uri is resolvable by using locator.
public listLocations() : array[string] An array of registered name => location
Return a list of all the locations registered by name
public listResources(string $uri, bool $all=false, bool $sort=true) : array[ResourceInterface] The ressources list
List all ressources found at a given uri. Same as listing all file in a directory, except here all topmost ressources will be returned when considering all locations
public listStreams() : array[string] An array of registered scheme => location
Return a list of all the stream scheme registered
public locationExist(string $name) : bool
Returns true if a location has been defined
public normalize(string $uri, bool $throwException=false, bool $splitStream=false) : string/array/bool
Returns the canonicalized URI on success. The resulting path will have no '/./' or '/../' components. Trailing delimiter / is kept. Can also split the scheme for the path part of the uri if $splitStream parameter is set to true By default (if $throwException parameter is not set to true) returns false on failure.
public registerLocation(string $name, string $path=null) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Register a new location
public registerStream(string $scheme, string $prefix='', string/array/null $paths=null, bool $shared=false) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Register a new stream
public removeLocation(string $name) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Unregister the specified location
public removeStream(string $scheme) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Unregister the specified stream
public reset() : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
Reset locator by removing all the registered streams and locations.
public schemeExists(string $scheme) : bool
Returns true if a stream has been defined
public setBasePath(string/null $basePath) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
protected find(string $scheme, string $file, bool $array, bool $all) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceInterface/\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\array[ResourceInterface]
Returns path of a file (or directory) based on a search uri
protected findCached(string $uri, bool $array, bool $all) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\array[ResourceInterface]/ResourceInterface The ressource path or an array of all the ressources path
Find a resource from the cached properties
protected searchPaths(\UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface $stream) : array[ResourceLocationInterface] The search paths based on this stream and all available locations
Build the search path out of the defined strean and locations. If the scheme is shared, we don't need to involve locations and can return it's path directly
protected setupStreamWrapper(string $scheme) : void
Register the scheme as a php stream wrapper
protected unsetStreamWrapper(string $scheme) : void
Unset a php stream wrapper

This class implements \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceLocatorInterface, \RocketTheme\Toolbox\ResourceLocator\ResourceLocatorInterface

Interface: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\ResourceStreamInterface

ResourceStreamInterface Interface

Visibility Function
public getPath() : string
public getPrefix() : string
public getScheme() : string
public isShared() : bool
public setPath(string $path) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setPrefix(string $prefix) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setScheme(string $scheme) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static
public setShared(bool $shared) : \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\static

Class: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\Exception\StreamNotFoundException

StreamNotFoundException Used when a path is not registered.

Visibility Function

This class extends \Exception

This class implements \Throwable

Class: \UserFrosting\UniformResourceLocator\Exception\LocationNotFoundException

LocationNotFoundException Used when a Location is not registered.

Visibility Function

This class extends \Exception

This class implements \Throwable