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AF Benchmarking

Contains benchmarking scripts used at the Tier 3 Analysis Facilities:

It now contains scripts used at NERSC.

The jobs used for benchmarking are the of the following type:

  • EVNT Generation
  • TRUTH3
  • Rucio Downloads
  • NTuple-to-Histogram

Said jobs can either run interactively or in the batch system.

For more information on the Tier 3 AFs check out the read-the-docs page, here.

Batch System

To execute jobs within the batch system you'll need both a submission file and a executable file. The submission file will give the batch system information about your job; where the job script is located and the requested resources. The executable file will contain the code we want the host to run; your code. Below you can find examples to help you get started at the Tier 3 AFs.

The following sections display submission and executable files that can be used at the respective analysis facilities. This assumes you've acquired your accounts. If you have not done so, follow the instructions outlines here.

After logging into the desired AF, obtain the directory by following these steps:

git clone AF-Benchmarking


TRUTH3 Executable File


# Input/large files should be stored in the /data/$USER directory
# Change <username> to your username

# Creates the file directory
mkdir -p ${inputFile_dir}

# Moves input files to the input file directory
cp ~/AF-Benchmarking/TRUTH3/EVNT.root ${inputFile_dir}

# Sets up our environment
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/
source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/

# Sets the Athena version we want
asetup Athena,24.0.53,here --CA True --inputEVNTFile ${inputFile_dir}EVNT.root --outputDAODFile=TRUTH3.root --formats TRUTH3

# Obtains and appends the host machine to the log file
hostname >> log.Derivation

TRUTH3 Submission File

Universe = vanilla

Output = example_truth3_native.$(Cluster).$(Process).out
Error = example_truth3_native.$(Cluster).$(Process).err
Log = example_truth3_native.$(Cluster).$(Process).log

# Path to your job script, in this case 
# Change <username> to your own username
Executable = /home/<username>/AF-Benchmarking/TRUTH3/UC/

request_memory = 3GB
request_cpus = 1

Queue 1


When working at SLAC, the jobs submitted must be containerized. The example below outlines how to do this using a TRUTH3 job running in EL9 container.

TRUTH3 Executable File


# Defines the OS wanted for the container

# Initializes the container with the OS defined in the previous line
## -c : used to make a container followed by the OS we want to use
## -m : mounts a specific directory
## -r : precedes the commands we want to run within the container
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/
source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/ -c ${OScontainer} -r "cp -r /home/$USER/TRUTH3Files/ . && \
asetup Athena,24.0.53,here && \ --CA True --inputEVNTFile /srv/TRUTH3Files/el9/EVNT.root --outputDAODFile=TRUTH3.root --formats TRUTH3"

# Appends the host-name to the end of the log file
hostname >> log.Derivation

TRUTH3 Submission File

#SBATCH --account=atlas:usatlas
#SBATCH --partition=ampere
#SBATCH --gpus a100:0
#SBATCH --job-name=truth3_batch
#SBATCH --output=output-%j.txt
#SBATCH --error=output-%j.txt
#SBATCH --ntasks=1 
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=2
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4g
#SBATCH --time=0-00:30:00


export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/ 

# Use ALRB_CONT_CMDOPTS to provide bind mount, etc. options 

export ALRB_CONT_CMDOPTS="-B /sdf"

export ALRB_CONT_RUNPAYLOAD="source $HOME/AF-Benchmarking/TRUTH3/SLAC/"

source $ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE/user/ -c el9


TRUTH3 Executable File


# Config Dir Needed

# Sets up the environment
export ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE=/cvmfs/

# Sets up the container:
## -c : used to make a container followed by the OS we want to use
## -m : mounts a specific directory
## -r : precedes the commands we want to run within the container
source ${ATLAS_LOCAL_ROOT_BASE}/user/ -c el9 -r "asetup Athena,24.0.53,here && \ --CA True --inputEVNTFile ${config_dir}EVNT_el9_batch.root --outputDAODFile=TRUTH3.root --formats TRUTH3"

# Obtains and appends the host name to the log file
hostname >> log.Derivation

TRUTH3 Submission File

Universe = vanilla

Output = /atlasgpfs01/usatlas/data/<username>/myjob.$(Cluster).$(Process).out
Error = /atlasgpfs01/usatlas/data/<username>/myjob.$(Cluster).$(Process).err
Log = /atlasgpfs01/usatlas/data/<username>/myjob.$(Cluster).$(Process).log

Executable = /usatlas/u/<username>/AF-Benchmarking/TRUTH3/BNL/

request_memory = 3GB
request_cpus = 1

Queue 1