hs sig vs. lh sig
module and import story
Binders: If I enter the following specification:
{-@ plus :: v1:Sparse a
-> {v2:Sparse a | spDim v1 == spDim v2}
-> {v3:Sparse a | spDim v3 == spDim v2 && spDim v3 == spDim v1}
LH tells me that v2
is unbound. I feel that it should not be given that I defined v2
in the second argument to the spec.
Ch4 refined datatypes p35
All types should derive
so that a reader following along can try functions in GHCI and get a result printed -
Pattern matching gives you invariants but raw field access doesn't. See Chris's note on 4.6 4.6)I came up with:
del :: (Ord a) => a -> BST a -> BST a
del k' t@(Node k l r)
| k' < k = Node k (del k' l) r
| k' > k = Node k l (del k' r)
| otherwise = remv t
remv :: (Ord a) => BST a -> BST a
remv (Node _ Leaf Leaf) = Leaf
remv (Node _ l Leaf) = l
remv (Node _ Leaf r) = r
remv (Node _ l r) = Node iSuccE l iSuccR
iSuccE = mElt $ delMin r
iSuccR = rest $ delMin r
However, LH complains about iSuccR
. I don't
see why it should have a problem with that
given that iSuccR
is the rest of the right
tree which is by definition greater than
, which is the smallest element of the
right tree. I imagine I could walk the entire
right tree to verify this to please LH like I
did with quickSort
, but I can't imagine that
is the correct answer.
- in addition to the usual syntax:
{-@ unsafeLookup :: n:Nat -> {v:Vector a | n < (vlen v)} -> a @-}
- could we get a "function" syntax:
{-@ unsafeLookup :: n:Nat -> v:Vector a -> a
unsafeLookup n v = n < vlen v @-}
{-@ unsafeLookup :: n:Int -> v:Vector a -> a
unsafeLookup n v = n >= 0 && n < vlen v @-}
{-@ unsafeLookup :: n:Int -> {v:Vector a | n < (vlen v)} -> a
unsafeLookup n v = n >= 0 @-}
- the "function" could take as arguments symbols that were bound in the "signature." It could take a partial specification and implement additional refinements. It "looks like Haskell" and allows the programmer more freedom in how they define their refinements