This page describes how to reproduce the uniCOIL experiments in the following paper:
Jimmy Lin and Xueguang Ma. A Few Brief Notes on DeepImpact, COIL, and a Conceptual Framework for Information Retrieval Techniques. arXiv:2106.14807.
In this guide, we start with a version of the MS MARCO passage corpus that has already been processed with uniCOIL, i.e., gone through document expansion and term reweighting. Thus, no neural inference is involved. For details on how to train uniCOIL and perform inference, please see this guide.
Note that Pyserini provides a comparable reproduction guide, so if you don't like Java, you can get exactly the same results from Python.
We're going to use the repository's root directory as the working directory. First, we need to download and extract the MS MARCO passage dataset with uniCOIL processing:
wget -P collections/
# Alternate mirror
wget -O collections/msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.tar
tar xvf collections/msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.tar -C collections/
To confirm, msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.tar
should have MD5 checksum of eb28c059fad906da2840ce77949bffd7
We can now index these docs as a JsonVectorCollection
using Anserini:
sh target/appassembler/bin/IndexCollection -collection JsonVectorCollection \
-input collections/msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8/ \
-index indexes/lucene-index.msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8 \
-generator DefaultLuceneDocumentGenerator -impact -pretokenized \
-threads 12 -storeRaw -optimize
The important indexing options to note here are -impact -pretokenized
: the first tells Anserini not to encode BM25 doclengths into Lucene's norms (which is the default) and the second option says not to apply any additional tokenization on the uniCOIL tokens.
Upon completion, we should have an index with 8,841,823 documents. The indexing speed may vary; on a modern desktop with an SSD (using 12 threads, per above), indexing takes around ten minutes.
To ensure that the tokenization in the index aligns exactly with the queries, we use pre-tokenized queries. The queries are already stored in the repo, so we can run retrieval directly:
target/appassembler/bin/SearchCollection -index indexes/lucene-index.msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8 \
-topicreader TsvInt -topics src/main/resources/topics-and-qrels/ \
-output runs/run.msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.trec \
-impact -pretokenized
The queries are also available to download at the following locations:
wget -P collections/
wget -O collections/
# MD5 checksum: 1af1da05ae5fe0b9d8ddf2d143b6e7f8
Query evaluation is much slower than with bag-of-words BM25; a complete run can take around 15 min.
Note that, mirroring the indexing options, we specify -impact -pretokenized
here also.
The output is in TREC output format. Let's convert to MS MARCO output format and then evaluate:
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
--input runs/run.msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.trec \
--output runs/run.msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.txt --quiet
python tools/scripts/msmarco/ \
tools/topics-and-qrels/ runs/run.msmarco-passage-unicoil-b8.txt
The results should be as follows:
MRR @10: 0.35155222404147896
QueriesRanked: 6980
This corresponds to the effectiveness reported in the paper.
Reproduction Log*
- Results reproduced by @lintool on 2021-06-28 (commit
) - Results reproduced by @JMMackenzie on 2021-07-02 (commit
) - Results reproduced by @amallia on 2021-07-14 (commit
) - Results reproduced by @ArvinZhuang on 2021-07-16 (commit