Thinkvim will generate .thinkvim.d
folder under your home path,This folder
will has two files plugins.yaml
and init.vim
Just config this variable
let g:mapleader
let g:maplocalleader
I suggest that most of plugins should lazyload by dein ,There has two ways to install plugins.
- if you are a vim begginer or you want to follow master branch,you should use
. like you want use choosewin plugin,you can installed it inplugins.yaml
(notice thinkvim has installed ,just for example)
- repo: t9md/vim-choosewin
on_map: { n: <Plug> }
hook_source: source $VIM_PATH/core/layers/tools/choosewin/config.vim
- repo means github repo
- on_map is a dein lazyload feature,that mean the plugin will loading when you trigger
key, - hook_source is executed before plugins are sourced
Dein is hard to use for some vim begginers,you can check the core/dein/plugins.yaml
for use.
more useage about Dein.
- if you have vimscript skill and not a vim beginner, want change this config to your own config ,you can edit the
the keymap of plugins you should config it in custom.vim
,th same as installed plugins,if you want follow master branch use custom.vim
,if you want change to your own config you can edit the core/plugins/allkey.vim
if dein#tap('vim-choosewin')
nmap - <Plug>(choosewin)
nmap <Leader>- :<C-u>ChooseWinSwapStay<CR>
- If you want to disable some of the plugins I use, you can overwrite them, e.g.:
- { repo: tryu/caw.vim, if: 0 }
- Your plugin shortcuts should also be based on this format. used
if dein#tap('pluginname')
- Notice
‼️ the lazyload feature of dein will not loading the default config of plugins, so you should config the keymap of lazyload plugins
register the custom
keymap to whichkey
, there are two settings map.
let g:which_key_map for leaderkey
let g:which_key_localmap for localkey
if dein#tap('defx.nvim')
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>F
\ :<C-u>Defx -search=`expand('%:p')` `getcwd()`<CR>
let g:which_key_map.F='test'
- if you edit the plugins.yaml ,it doesn't work. you can try to recache the cache. use this function
call dein#recache_runtimepath()
- you can check my .thinkvim.d for more usage.
ThinkVim provide a easy way to change colorscheme, use this keymap
then thinkvim will write the colorscheme that your choose into cache file,ThinkVim will read this file to load colorscheme when next startup -
Add your favorite coloscheme file into colors folder
check out the spaceline config
- Custom dashboard-nvim header and footer
this is an example to config dashboard-nvim header and footer on your custom.vim
let s:header = [
\ ' o',
\ ' o ^__^',
\ ' o (oo)\_______',
\ ' (__)\ )\/\',
\ ' ||----w |',
\ ' || ||',
\ ]
let s:footer = [
\ ' [ test custom footer]',
\ '',
\ ]
let g:dashboard_custom_header = s:header
let g:dashboard_custom_header = s:footer
" disable all keymaps of plugins
let g:thinkvim_disable_mappings = 0
" disable some plugins keymap is a list
let g:thinkvim_disable_pmaping = []
The value of thinkvim_disable_pmaping
dein.vim vim-buffet markdown-preview.nvim
indentLine any-jump.vim vim-floaterm
vim-dadbod-ui dash.vim coc-clap
coc.nvim vim-clap vim-go vim-delve
vimagit vim-choosewin caw.vim vim-smoothie
goyo.vim defx.nvim vim-quickrun vim-easymotion
vim-smartchr iron.nvim vim-sandwich dashboard-nvim
vim-fugitive vim-mundo vista.vim
insert command quit window session toggle normal
let g:thinkvim_disable_pmaping = ['dein.vim','insert'....]
Why add this support, Because vim is free, and key mapping everyone has everyone's habits, so we can't bundle them, it should be customized by the user. more information on this issue imxiejie#105.
- Go use gopls (need user install)
- C C++ OC use ccls (need user install)
- Python support
,When install thinkvim if you choose python,when open python file it will auto install mpls. - Dockerfile use docker-langserver (need user install)
- Haskell use (need user install)
- Lua use
- Javascript Typescript use coc-tsserver
- Php use (need user install)
- Shell use (need user install)
- R use coc-R
- Ruby use coc-solargraph
- Rust use coc-rust-analyzer
- Scala use coc-metals
- Vue use coc-vetur
It's easy to add new language supoort,just run this script,then choose the new languages that you write. it will write the languages plugins to your .thinkvim.d/plugins.yaml
cd .config/nvim/bin