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146 lines (123 loc) · 13.7 KB


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Package Management

Name Description
Shougo/dein.vim Plugin Management

Editor UI

Name Description
hardcoreplayers/vim-buffet Buffer Tabline
hardcoreplayers/spaceline.vim Beautiful statusline
ryanoasis/vim-devicons Provide the Icons
hardcoreplayers/dashboard-nvim Startup Dashboard
norcalli/nvim-colorizer.lua The fastest Neovim colorizer.
Yggdroot/indentLine Indent Line
luochen1990/rainbow Rainbow paren

Editor Enhance

Name Description
rhysd/accelerated-jk Up/down movement acceleration
psliwka/vim-smoothie Smooth Scroll
simnalamburt/vim-mundo Ultimate mundo history visualizer
tpope/vim-repeat Operate Repeat
easymotion/vim-easymotion Vim motions on speed
kana/vim-textobj-user Create your own text objects
kana/vim-operator-user Define your own custom operators
kana/vim-operator-replace Operator to replace text with register content
kana/smartchr Replace input char
kana/vim-textobj-function Function Textobj
terryma/vim-expand-region Visually select increasingly larger regions of text
AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim Switch between single-line and multiline forms of code
AndrewRadev/dsf.vim Delete surrounding function call
osyo-manga/vim-textobj-multiblock Textobjects Multiple block


Name Description
neoclide/coc.nvim Autocompletaion
hona/vim-snippets Snippets
editorconfig/editorconfig-vim Editorconfig
tyru/caw.vim Comment Plugins


Name Description
fatih/vim-go go support
sebdah/vim-delve go debug
rust-lang/rust.vim rust support
chr4/nginx.vim nginx support
cespare/vim-toml toml support
honza/dockerfile.vim dockerfile support
elzr/vim-json json support
pearofducks/ansible-vim syntax highlighting Ansible's common filetypes
neoclide/vim-jsx-improve javascript react support
HerringtonDarkholme/yats.vim typescript support
peitalin/vim-jsx-typescript typescript react support
vim-python/python-syntax Enhanced version of the original Python syntax
Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-index A nicer Python indentation style
vim-scripts/python_match.vx Extend the % motion for Python files
raimon49/requirements.txt.vim the Requirements File Format syntax support for Vim
plasticboy/vim-markdown Markdown syntax highlighting
iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim Markdown Preview


name description
gopls You need install it by go get
coc-html html
coc-css css
coc-tsserver javascript typescript languageserver
coc-python Python Languageserver mpls or pls Defalut is mpls on thinkvim
coc-json json Languageserver
coc-vetur vue langserver
coc-yaml yaml langserver
coc-rust-analyzer rust langserver

File Management

name description
coc-explorer Explorer for coc.nvim
Shougo/defx.nvim Dark powered file explorer implementation
kristijanhusak/defx-icons Filetype icons for Defx
kristijanhusak/defx-git Git status icons for Defx

Find everthing

Name Description
liuchengxu/vim-clap Find files word outline etc
Name Description
liuchengxu/vista.vim Viewer & Finder for LSP symbols and tags
machakann/vim-sandwich search/select/edit sandwiched textobjects.
ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags Provide ctags/gtags
thinca/quickrun Quick Run
mattn/emmet-vim coc-emmet instead
t9md/vim-choosewin Easy to jump window
voldikss/vim-floaterm Float neovim terminal
christoomey/vim-tmux-navigator Tmux Navigator
liuchengxu/vim-which-key Find the key
junegunn/goyo.vim Distraction-free writing
junegunn/limelight Hyperfocus-writing

Version Control

Name Description
tpope/vim-fugitive Git Plugin
jreybert/vimagit Git Plugin
rhysd/committia.vim Git Commit
lambdalisue/gina.vim Git Plugin

CoC Extensions

Name Description
coc-tabnine Smart Completion
coc-emmet emmet
coc-yank provide yank highlight
coc-floaterm floterm
coc-imselect enhance input
coc-emoji emoji completion
coc-lists coclists
coc-snippets snippets extension instead Utilsnippets
coc-prettier Format
coc-eslint eslint check
coc-stylelint stylelint check
coc-pairs pairs completion
coc-highlight Highlight the cursors word, Show the css color
coc-git git extension
coc-post easy to use like postman