This is a flow demonstrating multi-class classification with LLM. Given an url, it will classify the url into one web category with just a few shots, simple summarization and classification prompts.
- LLM Tool
- Python Tool
In this flow, you will learn
- how to compose a classification flow with LLM.
- how to feed few shots to LLM classifier.
Install promptflow sdk and other dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you are using Azure Open AI, prepare your resource follow this instruction and get your api_key
if you don't have one.
# Override keys with --set to avoid yaml file changes
pf connection create --file ../../../connections/azure_openai.yml --set api_key=<your_api_key> api_base=<your_api_base> --name open_ai_connection
If you using OpenAI, sign up account OpenAI website, login and find personal API key.
pf connection create --file ../../../connections/openai.yml --set api_key=<your_api_key>
is already configured with connection named open_ai_connection
# test with default input value in flow.dag.yaml
pf flow test --flow .
# test with user specified inputs
pf flow test --flow . --inputs url=''
# create run using command line args
pf run create --flow . --data ./data.jsonl --stream
# (Optional) create a random run name
run_name="web_classification_"$(openssl rand -hex 12)
# create run using yaml file, run_name will be used in following contents, --name is optional
pf run create --file run.yml --stream --name $run_name
# list run
pf run list
# show run
pf run show --name $run_name
# show run outputs
pf run show-details --name $run_name
create evaluation
# (Optional) save previous run name into variable, and create a new random run name for further use
run_name="classification_accuracy_"$(openssl rand -hex 12)
# create run using command line args
pf run create --flow ../../evaluation/eval-classification-accuracy --data ./data.jsonl --column-mapping groundtruth='${data.answer}' prediction='${run.outputs.category}' --run $prev_run_name --stream
# create run using yaml file, --name is optional
pf run create --file run_evaluation.yml --run $prev_run_name --stream --name $run_name
pf run show-details --name $run_name
pf run show-metrics --name $run_name
pf run visualize --name $run_name
# set default workspace
az account set -s <your_subscription_id>
az configure --defaults group=<your_resource_group_name> workspace=<your_workspace_name>
# create run
pfazure run create --flow . --data ./data.jsonl --stream --runtime demo-mir
# pfazure run create --flow . --data ./data.jsonl --stream # automatic runtime
# (Optional) create a new random run name for further use
run_name="web_classification_"$(openssl rand -hex 12)
# create run using yaml file, --name is optional
pfazure run create --file run.yml --runtime demo-mir --name $run_name
# pfazure run create --file run.yml --stream --name $run_name # automatic runtime
pfazure run stream --name $run_name
pfazure run show-details --name $run_name
pfazure run show-metrics --name $run_name
# (Optional) save previous run name into variable, and create a new random run name for further use
run_name="classification_accuracy_"$(openssl rand -hex 12)
# create evaluation run, --name is optional
pfazure run create --flow ../../evaluation/eval-classification-accuracy --data ./data.jsonl --column-mapping groundtruth='${data.answer}' prediction='${run.outputs.category}' --run $prev_run_name --runtime demo-mir
pfazure run create --file run_evaluation.yml --run $prev_run_name --stream --name $run_name --runtime demo-mir
pfazure run stream --name $run_name
pfazure run show --name $run_name
pfazure run show-details --name $run_name
pfazure run show-metrics --name $run_name
pfazure run visualize --name $run_name