description |
A guide for generating Trunk-compatible test reports for Robot Framework |
You can automatically detect and manage flaky tests in your projects running tests with Robot by integrating with Trunk. This document explains how to configure Robot to output JUnit XML reports that can be uploaded to Trunk for analysis.
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Trunk detects flaky tests by analyzing test reports automatically uploaded from your CI jobs. You can do this by generating Trunk-compatible XML reports from your test runs.
To output compatible repports, add the --xunit
argument to your robot
robot --xunit=junit.xml TestSuite.robot
The JUnit report will be written to the location specified by the --xunit
argument. In the example above, it would be at ./junit.xml
You need to disable automatic retries if you previously enabled them. Retries compromise the accurate detection of flaky tests. You should disable them and prefer using the Quarantine feature to mitigate the negative impact of Flaky Tests.
Omit the --rerunfailed
flag and remove any RetryFailed Listeners previously configured to run as part of your CI pipeline to disable retries.
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Before modifying your CI jobs to automatically upload test results to Trunk, try uploading a single test run manually.
You make an upload to Trunk using the following command:
curl -fsSLO --retry 3 && chmod +x trunk
./trunk flakytests upload --junit-paths "./junit.xml" \
--org-url-slug <TRUNK_ORG_SLUG> \
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Configure your CI to upload test runs to Trunk. Find the guides for your CI framework below:
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