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Prevent New Issues

Trunk operates in hold-the-line mode by default. This means Trunk will run linters only on the files that have changed according to Git, by comparing it to the appropriate upstream branch.

If you're not using main or master as the base branch, make sure it's specified in .trunk/trunk.yaml.

version: 0.1
  version: 1.22.2
  # specify the base branch for hold-the-line
  trunk_branch: develop

Prevent Issues On Commits

Code Quality can automatically run formatters on each commit to prevent new formatting from appearing in your commit history. Code Quality uses a Git hook to automate this process. Formatting changes will automatically be applied to what you commit.

trunk actions enable trunk-fmt-pre-commit

This enables a Git hook managed by Trunk which is defined in the trunk.yaml config file. When other developers pull the updated trunk.yaml file, they will automatically have this Git hook enabled to run trunk fmt on each commit.

Prevent Issues Before Push

Code Quality can automatically run linters and formatters on each commit to prevent new formatting from appearing in your commit history. Code Quality uses a Git hook to automate this process. This will flag lint issues so they never make it into your PRs.

trunk actions enable trunk-check-pre-push

This enables a Git hook managed by Trunk which is defined in the trunk.yaml config file. When other developers pull the updated trunk.yaml file, they will automatically have this Git hook enabled to run trunk check before each push.

Prevent Issues on PRs

Trunk Code Quality can work in CI to check for problems when a new pull request is opened.

GitHub Actions Workflows

If you're already running linters on your PRs, you can replace your lint step with the Trunk Code Quality action step. For example:

name: Linter
    branches: main
    branches: main
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      # ... other setup steps
      - name: Trunk Check
        uses: trunk-io/trunk-action@v1
          post-annotations: true 
      # ... other CI steps

This step will automatically run Trunk Code Quality to reveal problems found when comparing the branch to main.

When post-annotations is set to true Code Quality will also annotate the PR with comments for where lint issues are found.

Example of inline annotations

Manual Configuration and Non-GitHub CI

If you want to run the trunk check command directly in your workflow, or you're not using GitHub, you can run the following command:

trunk check --ci

If you setup Trunk with npm and added trunk commands to your package.json like mentioned in, you can run the following command:

npm run lint --ci

If you committed Trunk Launcher into your project, you can run:

./trunk check --ci

Here's an example GitHub Action Workflow and pnpm:

name: CI
    branches: main
    branches: main

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - uses: pnpm/action-setup@v2
          version: 8.6.3
          run_install: true
      - run: pnpm run lint
      - run: pnpm run lint --ci

Fixing issues in pull requests

To confirm that you've fixed issues identified by Trunk Code Quality before pushing your pull request, just run trunk check.

If Trunk continues to identify new Code Quality issues on your PR, first try merging the latest changes from your base branch. When Trunk runs on a PR, it runs on a commit that merges your PR into its base branch, just like GitHub workflows.

If this continues to fail, then run git checkout refs/pull/<PR number>/merge && trunk check. This is a reference to the merge commit GitHub creates.

Skipping Trunk Code Quality on PRs

You can include /trunk skip-check in the body of a PR description (i.e. the first comment on a given PR) to mark Trunk Code Quality as "skipped". Trunk Code Quality will still run on your PR and report issues, but this will allow the PR to pass a GitHub-required status check on Trunk Check.

This can be helpful if Code Quality is flagging known issues in a given PR that you don't want to ignore, which can come in handy if you're doing a large refactor.