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81 lines (72 loc) · 15.4 KB
Trunk Code Quality supports over 100 linters and formatters

Supported Linters

{% hint style="info" %}

📘 Our linter integrations are open-source!

You can find them at trunk-io/plugins, contributions are welcome! {% endhint %}

Enable any of the following tools with:

trunk check enable <linter>
Technology Linters
All codespell, cspell, git-diff-check, gitleaks, pre-commit-hooks
Ansible ansible-lint
Apex pmd
Bash shellcheck, shfmt
Bazel, Starlark buildifier
C# dotnet-format
C, C++ clang-format, clang-tidy, cmake-format, iwyu, pragma-once
CircleCI Config circleci
Cloudformation cfnlint, checkov
CSS, SCSS prettier, stylelint
Cue cue-fmt
Dart dart
Docker checkov, hadolint
Dotenv dotenv-linter
GitHub actionlint
Go gofmt, gofumpt, goimports, gokart, golangci-lint, golines, semgrep
GraphQL graphql-schema-linter, prettier
HAML haml-lint
HTML Templates djlint
Java google-java-format, pmd, semgrep
JavaScript biome, deno, eslint, prettier, rome, semgrep
JSON deno, eslint, prettier, semgrep
json biome
jsx biome
Kotlin detekt, ktlint
Kubernetes kube-linter
Lua stylua
Markdown deno, markdown-link-check, markdown-table-prettify, markdownlint, markdownlint-cli2, prettier, remark-lint
Nix nixpkgs-fmt
package.json sort-package-json
Perl perlcritic, perltidy
PHP php-cs-fixer, phpstan
PNG oxipng
PowerShell psscriptanalyzer
Prisma prisma
prose vale
Protobuf buf, clang-format, clang-tidy
Python autopep8, bandit, black, flake8, isort, mypy, pylint, pyright, ruff, semgrep, sourcery, yapf
Rego opa, regal
Renovate renovate
Ruby brakeman, rubocop, rufo, semgrep, standardrb
Rust clippy, rustfmt
Scala scalafmt
Security checkov, dustilock, nancy, osv-scanner, terrascan, tfsec, trivy, trufflehog
SQL sql-formatter, sqlfluff, sqlfmt, squawk
SVG svgo
Swift stringslint, swiftformat, swiftlint
Terraform checkov, terraform, terrascan, tflint, tfsec, tofu
Terragrunt terragrunt
Terrascan terrascan
Textproto txtpbfmt
TOML taplo
TypeScript biome, deno, eslint, prettier, rome, semgrep
YAML prettier, semgrep, yamllint

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Can't find a linter you need?

Chat with Trunk's engineers and suggest your ideas. Join us and 1500+ fellow engineers on Slack. {% endhint %}