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The Trunk CLI has its top-level config defined in .trunk/trunk.yaml.

├── .trunk
│   └── trunk.yaml
└── src
    ├── bar
    └── foo

This is initially generated by trunk init and is the central source of truth for how Trunk operates inside your repository. As we build new services and features, we'll extend trunk.yaml to include configuration sections for them. We believe strongly in "configuration as code" and being able to guarantee that trunk can be run reproducibly.

Config Format

The Trunk configuration file is written in YAML and is meant to be self-descriptive. Below is a sample config file to help you understand how the pieces come together. Alternatively, you can also refer to the trunk.yaml in our GitHub Action as an example or trunk-yaml-schema.json.

version: 0.1 # the version of this config file.
  version: 0.15.1 # the version of trunk you will run in your repository
    - ruby@>=2.7.1
    - [email protected]
  # main is the branch that everyone's work is merged into
  # (this is usually inferred and not required to be set)
  trunk_branch: main
    - name: my_custom_linter
      files: [ALL]
        output: sarif
        run: ${workspace}/bin/foo --file ${target}
        read_output_from: stdout
        run_linter_from: workspace
        success_codes: [0, 1]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - [email protected]
    - rufo
    - tflint
    - linters: [ALL]
        # Generated files
        - a/proto/code_pb*
        # Test data
        - b/test_data/**
    - linters: [eslint]
        - c/run.ts
    - linters:
        - ansible-lint
        - ansible # A directory
        - ansible # A directory


The version field is the schema version of trunk.yaml.


  version: 0.15.1 # the version of trunk you will run in your repository
    - commands: [ALL] # apply to all `trunk` commands
      args: --monitor=true
    - commands: [check, fmt] # apply only to `trunk check` and `trunk fmt` commands
      args: -y

In addition to specifying version, cli allows you to specify default command line arguments using the options field. Specified args will be appended to strictly matched commands during trunk invocations. Specifying ALL as a commands element applies its options to all trunk subcommands. Any command line options will take precedence over these args.

Some examples using the configuration above:

  • trunk check resolves to trunk check -y --monitor=true
  • trunk check -n resolves to trunk check -n --monitor=true
  • trunk fmt resolves to trunk fmt -y --monitor=true


  # main is the branch that everyone's work is merged into
  # (this is usually inferred and not required to be set)
  trunk_branch: main

Some Trunk features require Trunk to be aware of the canonical repository your organization uses, such as the repository that everyone pulls from and makes pull requests into. The Trunk CLI can infer this from your origin remote, but if you don't want your origin to be used for this purpose, you can explicitly specify your canonical repository.

Other features - namely trunk check - need to be aware of the primary upstream branch that everyone branches from. If you use main or master, trunk can infer this; however, if you use some other primary branch, then you may want to consider setting this.

The above configuration is how you would specify that is your canonical repository and that main is the branch which trunk should always think of as your upstream branch.


  # name of your trunk organization on
  org: { your-org-name }

Some Trunk features, like the CI Debugger, require knowledge of the Trunk organization your repository is using. This information can be provided on the command line or hard-coded in the trunk.yaml file.



If this hint is set, Trunk will search all local remotes looking for the one that best matches <remote_host>/<organization>/<repo_name> instead of defaulting to origin. It will then use this remote as the default upstream for computing changed files.

Stacked PR support

  use_branch_upstream: true

By default, trunk will auto-detect all changed files relative to your main branch. If you would instead like it to compare against the upstream of your current git branch, you can enable this feature by setting use_branch_upstream to true.

Disable upgrade notifications

Trunk will periodically tell you to upgrade to a newer version if one is available. If you prefer not to see these notifications, edit (or add) the section of your .trunk/trunk.yaml to include the following lines:

    - trunk-upgrade-available

Overriding defaults

Trunk ships with a default configuration which trunk.yaml is merged into to produce the actual configuration that Trunk runs with. You can view this merged configuration using trunk print-config.

You may find while using Trunk that you want to modify one of these defaults: perhaps you want clang-tidy to not run on the upstream, or maybe you want the node runtime to include another environment variable. In these cases, you can specify the field in your trunk.yaml to override the default value.

Let's take clang-tidy as an example, which ships with the following default configuration:

  - name: clang-tidy
    files: [c/c++-source]
    type: llvm
      - output: llvm
        run: clang-tidy --export-fixes=- ${target}
        success_codes: [0]
    download: clang-tidy
    direct_configs: [.clang-tidy]
    disable_upstream: true
    include_scanner_type: compile_command
      - name: PATH
        list: ["${linter}/bin"]

If you wanted to flip the value of disable_upstream to false, you could, in your own trunk.yaml, specify:

  - name: clang-tidy
    disable_upstream: false

Some linters have multiple commands, such as trivy, which can run in different ways. Similarly, some linters are configured to run differently on different platforms or at different versions. When overriding a command definition, overrides are applied on the tuple [name, version, platforms]. For example, if you wanted to disable batching when running ktlint on Windows, you could consider its default configuration:

  - name: ktlint
      - name: format
        platforms: [windows]
        run: java -jar ${linter}/ktlint.exe -F "${target}"
        output: rewrite
        cache_results: true
        formatter: true
        in_place: true
        batch: true
        success_codes: [0, 1]
      - name: format
        run: ktlint -F "${target}"
        output: rewrite
        cache_results: true
        formatter: true
        in_place: true
        batch: true
        success_codes: [0, 1]

and override it as such:

  - name: ktlint
      - name: format
        platforms: [windows]
        batch: false

When executing linters, Trunk will execute the first matching command based on its compatible platforms and linter version. Note when overriding that new commands that don't match an existing tuple are prepended to the resulting commands list.

Alternatively, consider the default node runtime:

    - type: node
      download: node
        - name: HOME
          value: ${home}
        - name: PATH
          list: ["${runtime}/bin"]
        - name: PATH
          list: ["${linter}/node_modules/.bin"]
      version: 16.14.2
        - run: "node --version"
          parse_regex: ${semver}

If you wanted to add ${home}/my/special/node/path to PATH, you could specify the following:

  - type: node
      - name: HOME
        value: ${home}
      - name: PATH
        list: ["${home}/my/special/node/path", "${runtime}/bin"]


Custom linter, download, and runtime configs must be defined in full and will be validated. Overrides of existing linter, download, and runtime configs can be partial overrides. They do not have to be full definitions.

Merged configurations are subject to the same validation that custom linters are - they must all have a name, type, command, and either success_codes or error_codes set.

Known limitations

  1. Scalar values are overridden in a straightforward manner - the value specified in the override
    takes the place of the default, and otherwise, default values are retained.
  2. To override a sequence value in the default (ex. environment in the node runtime), it is
    necessary to fully specify the new sequence. This is why the environment override above also defines HOME. If you just wanted to add a new value, you would have to copy in the existing
    sequence to your overriding config, and add your new value to the end of the list.
  3. It is not possible to set sequences of non-zero length to zero length. For example, if the
    default config has success_codes: [0], you may override this to success_codes: [0, 1], but you cannot clear its value.