description |
How to integrate Trunk CI Analytics with Jenkins CI/CD |
The minimum supported version for Jenkins is 2.387.3. If you need support for older versions, please contact our community slack at or support at [email protected].
The Trunk Plugin for Jenkins requires the GitHub plugin. Installing the Trunk Plugin will install the GitHub plugin.
{% @supademo/embed demoId="H4ryiMPBDHuW6WNJtyMt4" url="" %}
{% @supademo/embed demoId="BILCaBxa05Hkol0Ck4Z-y" url="" fullWidth="false" %}
{% @supademo/embed demoId="EFdbnIsoWIs8oGCtVUft7" url="" %}
{% @supademo/embed demoId="ASgoJj670db1p-MjXwsZ-" url="" %}
If for any reason you don't see your pipeline runs in the Trunk app after 3 minutes. Please contact our support at
The Trunk Plugin for Jenkins will also log errors to the Jenkins System Log. You can find these by navigating to Manage Jenkins > System Log. If you need additional help debugging, please contact our community slack at or support at [email protected].