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GitHub Notifications

Mike Heroux edited this page Sep 3, 2017 · 10 revisions

Basic Notifications Help

GitHub provides a variety of ways to control what information you receive from repository activities. There is substantial documentation on For example, these two articles are good references:

You can control your own notification setting here:

Not getting all notifications by email? delivers a portion of its email messages via a third-party service. If a GitHub notification is bounced when sent from this service, your email address will be flagged and subsequent messages will not be sent. This may happen if your email system stops responding for a while.

If you suspect that you are not receiving all notifications:

  1. Go to (or and check if there are notification listed that are not in your email.
  2. If you are missing some notifications, go to and submit a request to have your account unflagged. In your message, give a pointer to a notification that is visible on but was not sent to your email address.

Alternatives to email notifications

Issues can also be monitored directly from a browser from the Notifications page, where you can see a summary of updates. You can stop receiving notifications for any issue by unsubscribing from it by clicking the volume sound symbol (similar to 🔊).

The Chrome browser extension Notifier for Github accesses the Notifications page to show desktop alerts when there are updates to issues that you are monitoring.

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