Releases: trickytank/docker-Bio-STR-exSTRa
Releases · trickytank/docker-Bio-STR-exSTRa
Perl Bio::STR::exSTRa v1.1.1 docker
This release allows the txt repeat database to use a wider range of names for the repeat start and end. Specifically, the names now just have match the case-insensitive globs: *start and *end. Note that exactly one column must match for each.
For example, we can now use "start", "START", "hg19_start", hg19Start", "hg38_start", "foobar_start", "foobar_START" and more.
testing docker
testing docker only. Do not use
Docker image Bio::STR::exSTRa v1.0.2
First docker container for Bio::STR::exSTRa to use the script.