TextPathView is a view with text path animation!
compile 'com.yanzhikai:TextPathView:0.2.1'
minSdkVersion 16
Hardware acceleration may cause some problems when using version 0.1.2.
There are tow types of TextPathView:
- SyncTextPathView, draw the text paths one by one.
- AsyncTextPathView, draw the each text path in the same time. Here is a demo:
In the xml:
In the java:
atpv1 = findViewById(R.id.atpv_1);
stpv_2017 = findViewById(R.id.stpv_2017);
Also you can use SeekBar to control the progess of TextPathView:
sb_progress.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() {
public void onProgressChanged(SeekBar seekBar, int progress, boolean fromUser) {
atpv1.drawPath(progress / 1000f);
stpv_2017.drawPath(progress / 1000f);
PathView is a new class after version 0.1.1. It has three subclass:TextPathView, SyncPathView, AsyncPathView.The latter are used to play to animation of path.
public class TestPath extends Path {
public TestPath(){
private void init() {
You must use setPath()
before startAnimation()
aspv.setPath(new TestPath());
Attribute Name | Description | Type | Default |
textSize | text size | integer | 108 |
text | text content | String | Test |
autoStart | start animation from 0 to 1 at the beginning | boolean | false |
showInStart | show the text path at the beginning | boolean | false |
textInCenter | make the text in the center | boolean | false |
duration | duration of animation(ms) | integer | 10000 |
showPainter | whether the Painter Effects can show while animating | boolean | false |
showPainterActually | whether the Painter Effects can show while drawing.It will be set to false when the animator finish. | boolean | false |
the stroke width of path | dimension | ||
the stroke color of path | color | Color.black | |
paintStrokeWidth | width of paint effect stroke | dimension | 3px |
paintStrokeColor | color of paint effect stroke | color | Color.black |
repeat | repeat type of animation | enum | NONE |
repeat | Description |
NONE | no repeat |
RESTART | restart to play |
REVERSE | reverse to play |
public void setPainter(SyncPathPainter listener);
public void setPainter(AsyncPathPainter listener);
There are types of PathPainter:
public interface SyncPathPainter extends PathPainter {
void onStartAnimation();
* 绘画画笔特效时候执行
* @param x 当前绘画点x坐标
* @param y 当前绘画点y坐标
* @param paintPath 画笔Path对象,在这里画出想要的画笔特效
void onDrawPaintPath(float x, float y, Path paintPath);
public interface AsyncPathPainter extends PathPainter {
* 绘画画笔特效时候执行
* @param x 当前绘画点x坐标
* @param y 当前绘画点y坐标
* @param paintPath 画笔Path对象,在这里画出想要的画笔特效
void onDrawPaintPath(float x, float y, Path paintPath);
You can extend one of these PathPainter to draw your custom paint effects.
There are three paint effects in TextPathView's code:
//an arrow point ahead
public class ArrowPainter implements SyncPathPainter {
//a simple shape of pen
public class PenPainter implements SyncPathPainter,AsyncPathPainter {
//a firework effec
public class FireworksPainter implements SyncPathPainter {
Making custom effect is very easy. You can override onDrawPaintPath(float x, float y, Path paintPath)
atpv2.setPathPainter(new AsyncPathPainter() {
public void onDrawPaintPath(float x, float y, Path paintPath) {
paintPath.addCircle(x,y,6, Path.Direction.CCW);
public void setAnimatorListener(PathAnimatorListener animatorListener);
PathAnimatorListener implements AnimatorListener and we can use to listen the text path animation.
//获取绘画文字的画笔:get the paint of path
public Paint getDrawPaint() {
return mDrawPaint;
//获取绘画画笔特效的画笔:get the paint of paint effect
public Paint getPaint() {
return mPaint;
* 开始绘制文字路径动画
* @param start 路径比例,范围0-1
* @param end 路径比例,范围0-1
public void startAnimation(float start, float end);
* 绘画文字路径的方法
* @param progress 绘画进度,0-1
public void drawPath(float progress);
* Stop animation
public void stopAnimation();
* Pause animation
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
public void pauseAnimation();
* Resume animation
@RequiresApi(api = Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT)
public void resumeAnimation();
//直接显示填充好颜色了的全部文字: fill the text path with storke color
public void showFillColorText();
Usually, you can use showFillColorText()
when the animation(0-1) end:
stpv_fortune.setAnimatorListener(new PathAnimatorListener(stpv_fortune){
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
TextPathView add PathCalculator from v0.2.+. We can use setCalculator(PathCalculator calculator)
to set it. PathCalculator can control the value of the start and end attributes of the path corresponding to different progress. There is some subclass of PathCalculator :
- MidCalculator
- AroundCalculator
- BlinkCalculator
- **Custom PathCalculator:**We can make a custom PathCalculator with
setStart(float start)
andsetEnd(float end)
public void setText(String text);
//It must be used before startAnimation().
public void setPath(Path path) ;
public void setTypeface(Typeface typeface);
public void clear();
//设置动画时能否显示画笔效果:Here to set whether the Painter Effects can show while animating.
public void setShowPainter(boolean showPainter);
//设置所有时候是否显示画笔效果,由于动画绘画完毕应该将画笔特效消失,所以每次执行完动画都会自动设置为false:Here to set whether the Painter Effects can show while drawing.It will be set to false when the animator finish.
public void setCanShowPainter(boolean canShowPainter);
public void setDuration(int duration);
public void setRepeatStyle(int repeatStyle);
2018/03/08 version 0.0.5:
- add
- 把PathAnimatorListener从PathView的内部类里面解放出来,之前使用太麻烦了。
- add
to control whether the Painter Effects can show while drawing.It will be set to false when the animator finish.
- add
2018/03/08 version 0.0.6:
- add
stop(), pause(), resume()
,API version >= 19. - add
,API version >= 19. - Thanks for toanvc's contribution!
- add
2018/03/18 version 0.1.0:
- Made a reconstruction,add Class :SyncPathView and AsyncPathView,and their superclass PathView.
- Add
- Changed names:
Old Name | New Name |
TextPathPainter | PathPainter |
SyncTextPainter | SyncPathPainter |
AsyncTextPainter | AsyncPathPainter |
TextAnimatorListener | PathAnimatorListener |
- 2018/03/21 version 0.1.2:
- Fixed: It will not completely display when warp_content.
- TextPathView can use
now. - Suppurted word wrap.
- 2018/09/09 version 0.1.3:
- Turn off the hardware acceleration by default
- Avoided memory leaks
- More pianter effects, more types of animation!
- Make it smoother and more efficient.
- Word wrap support.
If it's a feature that you think would need to be discussed please open an issue first, otherwise, you can:
- Create a feature branch (git checkout -b my_branch)
- If you want to fix a problem. Your code must contain test for reproducing problem. Your tests must be passed with help of your fix.
- If you want to add a new feature. Please create a new activity, such as SecondActivity, to show the new feature.
TextPathView follows MIT license.
Email:[email protected]