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136 lines (92 loc) · 3.24 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (92 loc) · 3.24 KB


  • install the dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn)
  • generate the windmill client:
npm run generate-backend-client
## on mac use
npm run generate-backend-client-mac

Once the dependencies are installed, just start the dev server:

npm run dev

The default proxy is setup to use the remote backend:

You can configure another proxy to use like so:

REMOTE= REMOTE_LSP= npm run dev

Use a Local backend

1. Backend is run by docker

docker build . -t windmill
docker compose up db windmill_server windmill_worker
REMOTE=http://localhost REMOTE_LSP=http://localhost npm run dev

2. Backend is run by cargo


  • Install Rust as explained on the website.

  • Install llvm

    On OSX:

    brew install llvm caddy gsed
    # make LLVM tools available on PATH
    echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    # now, restart your shell. You should now have the `lld` binary on your PATH.
  • To test that you have Rust and Cargo installed run cargo --version

Known issue on M1 Mac while running cargorun

  • You may encounter linking with cc failed build time error.
  • To solve this run:
    echo 'export RUSTFLAGS="-L/opt/homebrew/opt/libomp/lib"' >> ~/.zshrc
    source ~/.zshrc

In the root folder:

docker-compose up db

In the backend folder:

DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5433/windmill?sslmode=disable cargo run

In the frontend folder:

REMOTE= REMOTE_LSP= npm run dev


NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=8096 npm run build


This project uses prettier and prettier-plugin-svelte, be sure to install them and set up your editor to run prettier automatically before you commit.

Recommended config for VS Code:

  • Prettier for formatting
  • Svelte for VS Code for highlighting and Intellisense
  • make sure that your VS Code settings.json has the following lines:
"[svelte]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
  • turn format on save on


The project is built with SvelteKit and uses as output static files. There are others adapters for sveltekit, but we use the static adapter.

To build the frontend as static assets, use:

npm run build

The output is in the build folder.

The default build assume you serve every non static files as the 200.html file which is catchall. If you prefer a normal layout, you can use:

NOTCATCHALL=true npm run build

which will generate an index.html and allow you to serve the frontend with any static server.

Env variables used for build are set in .env file. See for more details.