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The AHA363 is a PCI-Express card intended to perform gzip offload. Since it is cheaply available, and contains an Arria GX FPGA connected to a x4 PCI-Express 2.0 edge connector, this project aims to repurpose it as a general-purpose FPGA development board by reversing and documenting the board itself.

Features complete

  • Reversing of flash format
  • JTAG chain access

Features left to do

  • Better understand U6/U7 PSU configuration
  • PCIe demo project
  • 'flashing LED' demo project


On the PCB are the following devices:

Designator Part number Notes Datasheet
U1 AHA3610B GZip compression ASIC
U2 AHA3610B GZip compression ASIC
U3 Altera EP1AGX90EF1152C6N The Arria GX FPGA Handbook
U4 Altera EPM570F100C4N Altera MAX II CPLD Handbook
U5 Spansion S29GL128P 128 MBit Flash IC Datasheet
U6 Intel EN5365QI 6A DC-DC converter set to 3.2v (see notes) Datasheet
U7 Intel EN5365QI 6A DC-DC converter set to 1.2v (see notes) Datasheet
U8 Intel EN5365QI 6A DC-DC converter set to 2.5v Datasheet
U9 TI LP2996A DDR Termination regulator (1.5A set to 1.27v) Datasheet
U10 VPOL5A-12-SMT 5V DC-DC converter Datasheet
U11 LM83CIMQA Temperature sensor Datasheet
U12 Unknown transistor Controls D4
U14 Intel EN5335QI 3A DC-DC converter set to 3.3v Datasheet
Y1 100MHz clock oscillator
Y2 100MHz clock oscillator
JP2 Generic three-pin 1.27inch connector 12V power input
J2 1.27inch PCB edge connector JTAG
J1 Unknown Unknown


You'll need a toolchain to develop for the device (Quartus), and a means of programming the device, which can be either Quartus, OpenOCD, or some other JTAG programmer. I use a USB 'byte blaster' programmer which works well.

If you're using the free version of Quartus, you'll need to use version 11.0sp1 or older in order to get support for the Arria GX family. Installing this on an older Linux system can require a few tweaks. On my Ubuntu Buster and Xenial boxes, I did the following successfully:

apt-get install -y csh
dpkg --add-architecture i386
apt-get update
apt-get install -y libc6:i386 libsm6:i386 zlib1g:i386 libxrender1:i386 libfreetype6:i386 libfontconfig1:i386 libxext6:i386

curl <location of quartus.tar> -o quartus.tar
tar -xf quartus.tar /tmp/quartusinstaller
cd quartus
/tmp/quartusinstaller/install --all --auto /opt/altera
<wait for installer to finish>

# Quartus ships with these two libraries but they don't work properly on a modern ubuntu system. We delete them so that quartus
# will instead use the system versions.
rm /opt/altera/quartus/linux/ /opt/altera/quartus/linux/

You can then launch quartus thus:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/altera/quartus/linux /opt/altera/quartus/linux/quartus

If, while trying to launch the installer, you see the following:

`ImportError: /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ symbol png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4_to_8, version PNG12_0 not defined in file with link time reference`

Then you should remove the file from the installer, so that the (newer, function) version on the system is used:

mv altera_installer/bin/ ../ 
bash ./setup 


The next step is programming the board. This can be done via the JTAG header, J2, which is a ten-pin edge connector which exposes the CPLD, FPGA, and the two ASICs. The pinout, starting component-side nearest to the PCI bracket:

Pin Bottom Top
5 VREF (3.3v) GND

Or more visually:

PCB component side J2 PCB back side J2

If everything works OK, the chain should scan as follows:

JTAG chain- CPLD then FPGA then two ASICs

Unfortunately for us, the FPGA also has connections to the JTAG chain via some of its general-purpose IO pins, in addition to the usual JTAG pins. This is probably to facillitate in-sytem programming and/or debugging. If you're using the card in a PCIe slot, this shouldn't be a problem, since the factory gateware will tristate these connections. In your own designs, though, you'll need to be careful to tristate them, otherwise they will interfere with the operation of the JTAG chain:

FPGA pin Connection
AK14 TDI on U2 / TDO on FPGA
AM23 TDI of U1 / TDO on U2
AP23 TDI on CPLD / JTAG connector J2

Board detail

On power-up, the MAXII CPLD will program the FPGA using a configuration stored in the flash chip U5, and illuminate D4 on success.

  • Oscillators Y1 is a 100Mhz oscillator. It connects to pin AJ19 on the FPGA. Y2 is another identical 100MHz oscillator. It connects to Y2 on the FPGA, and also to pin E1 of the CPLD.
  • LEDs There are six LEDs on the board. They are numbered D1 to D6, as you'd expect, but they are not laid out sequentially - take care to look at the silkscreen to identify them. D1 is nearest the PCIe backplane connector, and next to it is D2, D3, D5, D6, and finally D4. Four of them connect to the FPGA, one to the CPLD, and one is as-yet unidentified:
Pin Purpose
AM22 LED_1
AM21 LED_2
unknown LED_3
D8 (on the CPLD) LED_4
AJ21 LED_5
AL21 LED_6
  • PCIe The all-important PCIe connector attaches directly to the FPGA.
Pin Purpose
AB5 HSIn(3)
AB4 HSIp(3)
Y5 HSIn(2)
Y4 HSIp(2)
N5 HSIn(1)
N4 HSIp(1)
R5 HSIn(0)
R4 HSIp(0)
AB2 HSOn(3)
AB1 HSOp(3)
Y2 HSOn(2)
Y1 HSOp(2)
N2 HSOn(1)
N1 HSOp(1)
R2 HSOn(0)
R1 HSOp(0)

PSU configuration

The board runs from a 12V DC supply, usually from the PCIe edge connector. Alternatively, power can be supplied via JP2, but this can cause problems with the JTAG configuration (see above).

This 12VDC input is converted by U10 (a VPOL5A-12-SMT) into 5VDC, and then this 5V is fed into the following:

IC Part Current output Notes
U6 EN5365QI 6A configured for 3.3v output
U7 EN5365QI 6A configured for 1.2v output
U8 EN5365QI 6A configured for 2.5v output
U14 EN5335QI 3A configured for 3.3v output

Note, however, the outputs of U6 and U7 have been bridged. The cause of this is unclear. It is possible that this is a design fault or that U6 and U7 are running in parallel via the MS pin.


Dumping factory gateware

If you wish to dump the flash chip which the CPLD uses to configure the FPGA on power-on, this can be done either via Quartus or OpenOCD. Either way, you'll need the card inserted into a powered-on PCI-Express slot, otherwise the JTAG chain may not work correctly (see above).

You can also erase the flash file (or even the CPLD), but be aware that if you do so, the FPGA will not be configured on the next power-up, which may mean you are unable to access JTAG. In this eventuality, you may have to solder wires to the CPLD's TDI and TDO pins directly in order to program the flash.

To dump via Quartus:

  • Select 'Hardware Setup', choose the 'USB Blaster' (or whichever programmer you use)
  • Click the 'Auto Detect' button. Note that the detection may take a minute or two and appear to hang.
  • Select 'CFG_128Mb' and tick the 'Examine' checkbox.
  • Hit the 'Start' button to start the dump. It may take a few minutes for the dump to complete.
  • Finally, right-click on untitled1.pof and select 'Save File'.

To dump via OpenOCD, tcl scripts are provided in the 'openocd' directory:

sudo /opt/openocd/bin/openocd -f /opt/openocd/share/openocd/scripts/interface/altera-usb-blaster.cfg -f ./aha363.tcl
telnet localhost 4444
source bscan.tcl

References and links