2.2.3 - 05/27/2012
- Add default_mime_type to template class since it does not inherit from Tilt's. Should fix metaskills#35
2.2.2 - 04/25/2012
- Remove explicit dependency on therubyracer
- Add jruby and jruby --1.9 to travis configuration
- Officially support JRuby
2.2.1 - 04/15/2012
- Make it usable with therubyrhino (and older versions of therubyracer as well). Fixes #36.
2.2.0 - 03/29/2012
- Upgrade to therubyracer 0.10.x call semantics. Fixes #34.
2.1.8 - 03/15/2012
- Work with edge rails/sprockets. Fixes #31.
2.1.7 - 03/07/2012
- More defensive railtie when examing asset paths. Fixes #30.
2.1.6 - 02/16/2012
- Nested imports recursively declare sprockets dependencies. Fixes #26.
2.1.4, 2.1.5 - 01/31/2012
- More friendly import processor with missing files. Fixes #13.
2.1.3 - 01/23/2012
- Make sure vendor/assets/stylesheets .less files work.
2.1.2 - 12/20/2011
- No notes.
- All app asset stylesheet paths are added to less paths.
- Remove our basic CssCompressor since it can not handle real world general purpose JS compression. Instead set parse compression and recommend final YUI Compressor. Fixes #7.
- Import preprocessor so @import'ed less files are automatic asset dependencies. Fixes #3.
- Add generator support. Fixes #8.
- Add a Less::Rails::CssCompressor if config.assets.compress is true. Fixes #7.
- Extend LESS with Rails asset pipeline helpers.
- New testing support with MiniTest::Spec and dummy Rails::Application.
- New config.options hash passed down to the #to_css method.
- Fix require of less/rails/railtie.rb. Thanks Benoit Bénézech (bbenezech).
- Initial 2.0 release. Heavily inspired/copied code from sass-rails.
- Original project at http://github.com/yeastymobs/less-rails