This tool is for downloading files from google drive
you need the following prerequisites:
Python 3
Install the google client api libraries using :
Create a google cloud platform project and enable "Google Drive API". Refer :
Create Desktop application credentials. Refer :
4a. Configure the OAuth consent screen with user type as "External".
4b. In Update scope section add ""
4c. Add Test Users (email) for whom you want to allow the access of the API
4d. After creating the Desktop application credentials, download the client secret file to this local repo directory and rename it as client_secrets.json
Run the "" script from command line as below:
For example:
- To list 10 files present in drive :
- To download a file with file_id = 1FSwcfi4EYYwDsT7-yGBBc_9jY8xceeKH to default directory "downloads" in the current location :
- To download a file with file_id = 1FSwcfi4EYYwDsT7-yGBBc_9jY8xceeKH to location "C:\Users\sushanta\Desktop" :
python --file_id 1FSwcfi4EYYwDsT7-yGBBc_9jY8xceeKH --local_dir "C:\Users\sushanta\Desktop"
If this is your first time running the script, the script opens a new window prompting you to authorize access to your data:
- If you are not already signed in to your Google account, you are prompted to sign in. If you are signed in to multiple Google accounts, you are asked to select one account to use for the authorization. Note: Authorization information is stored on the file system, so subsequent executions don't prompt for authorization.
- Click Accept. The app is authorized to access your data.