(sourced from the kpack repo and the CNBP concepts page)
Buildpack A buildpack is a unit of work that inspects your app source code and formulates a plan to build and run your application. More here.
Stack A stack provides the buildpack lifecycle with build-time and run-time environments in the form of images. More here.
Lifecycle The lifecycle orchestrates buildpack execution, then assembles the resulting artifacts into a final app image. More here.
Build Build is the process of executing one or more buildpacks against the app’s source code to produce a runnable OCI image. More here.
Builder A builder is an image that bundles all the bits and information on how to build your apps, such as buildpacks and build-time image, as well as executes the buildpacks against your app source code. More here.
Rebase Rebase allows app developers or operators to rapidly update an app image when its stack's run image has changed. More here.
Images Images provide a configuration for kpack to build and maintain a docker image utilizing Cloud Native Buildpacks. More here.
Secrets kpack utilizes kubernetes secrets to configure credentials to publish images to docker registries and access private github repositories. More here.
Builders In kpack the Builder and ClusterBuilder resources are a reference to a Cloud Native Buildpacks builder image. More here.
Builds A Build is a resource that schedules and run a single Cloud Native Buildpacks build. More here.
CustomBuilders kpack provides the experimental CustomBuilder and CustomClusterBuilder resources to define and create Cloud Native Buildpacks builders all within the kpack api. More here.